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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using HTTPXd;
namespace HTTPXd
search.js - handles searching and stuff
by Jamie Rumbelow
Thanks for checking out the source!
Copyright (c)2009 JR and JG. Init.
auth.js - basic authentication
by Jamie Rumbelow
Thanks for checking out the source!
Copyright (c)2009 JR and JG. Init.
# blogging app #
# by Jamie Rumbelow #
# #
# to run: #
# gem install sinatra #
# ruby blog.rb #
# blog.rb
Palm Pre
you know what Jamie, this is ridiculous.
Okay, first thing, Helen. I don't really care if you think I should have dumped her and that she walked all over me but if you were my friend or even just a decent person you would realise that that's how I feel and you would keep it to yourself, and you have no idea how frustrating and horrible it is to listen to you go on about how I'm awful for it and she's horrible, especially bitching about her and me to our faces and bitching about her when I'm not there. It's horrible Jamie. And Alex, despite me being annoyed with him to, sent me an email with an apology and has not mentioned anything such since. I reckon you'd be good to do the same, and frankly, back off a bit. It was my decision to make and you won't sway it so just stop.
Second thing Jamie, just calm down about little things! I mean I can understand you were a bit wound up yesterday maybe especially as it was late but you weren't exactly helping and then you had a huge go at Alex for no reason; it was comp
define('XMLNS_RB_UPLOAD', '<UploadRequestV1 xmlns=""
define('XMLNS_RB_UPLOAD_END', '</UploadRequestV1>');
public function rb_create($consumer, $billing, $shipping, $card, $interval, $start, $end, $amount) {
$xml .= '<merchantRefNum>Ref-'. substr(sha1(time() . rand(0, 100)),0,7).'</merchantRefNum>';
I've been programming with CodeIgniter for nearly two years now (gosh, is it that long?), and still I keep on finding little treasures buried deep within the framework, long standing there just waiting for someone to discover them.
I've compiled a nice, long list of CodeIgniter's hidden secrets full of little helpful snippets, concealed functions and long-unused classes to help you get the most out of the framework.
- The Database Forge
CodeIgniter's database class goes much further than the simple ActiveRecord system. It's an extremely powerful tool, and includes the database forge class. This is rarely used - many seem to skip over this documentation section and onto the more promising ActiveRecord class, but this can be really helpful - especially if you need to create, edit and delete actual databases.
You can load the database forge class using a variant of the standard CodeIgniter loading convention.