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jaronoff / resume-question.
Created October 17, 2013 18:51
I want to display a resume in a view, but have the data stored in something other than HTML so I can update it easily. Then, I want to also create a printable version that is easily sendable to people, but it's powered by the same data. So, technically, I update it in the site and then it updates a pdf.
I'm updating my site, repo is here:
I want to include my resume on the homepage in a rendered partial, and I'm trying to figure out how to have the display pull the data from a data source, either a txt file or something in the database. I'm open to suggestions.
I'm using Foundation, and I want to be able to change the look and feel of the view, dependant on where in the site I have it. Example, on the homepage, maybe I only show where I've worked (company name.) but on the resume, I show all the data. Both pull from the same data set.
Here's the kind of data I'd be pulling from.
jaronoff / redesign
Last active December 28, 2015 01:09
Reqs for redesign
------------------------------------------------------------- Reqs for Developers
I'm a designer for the web, specializing in UI and UX Design. Over the last year, I've been learning (or trying to learn) Ruby and Rails so that I can make my own app ideas a reality. It's been slow going to say the least.
I have an immediate need to update my existing portfolio website. I'm looking for work, and my current implementation is stale and doesn't reflect how I want to be presented on the web. It's ok, but it can be better.
I'm moving away from Wordpress or traditional CMS models because it will force me to learn Rails quicker, but in the meantime I need help.
jaronoff /
Last active October 26, 2016 03:20
A list of shows and movies I want to watch {public}

stuff to watch on Netflix


  • house of cards
  • danger 5
  • kimmy Schmidt
  • bobs burgers
  • attack on Titan
  • agents of shield
  • Luke Cage
jaronoff / font-fix.rb
Created April 20, 2015 17:04
Font Fix for fixing broken fonts in Chrome on Mac OS X
#remove font caches for all users
%x( sudo atsutil databases -remove )
#Stop and start the ATS Server
%x( atsutil server -shutdown )
#Restart the ATS Server
%x( atsutil server -ping )
jaronoff /
Last active August 31, 2015 13:59
A list of books I'm reading.
  • the business solution to poverty
  • blue ocean strategy
  • so good they can't ignore you
  • built to sell
  • sell anything