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happy pride month

Caleb Jasik jasikpark

happy pride month
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facelessuser /
Last active March 5, 2025 05:46
Exploring Tonal Palettes

Exploring Tonal Palettes


HCT is a color model developed by [Google][material-hct]. It aims to solve a problem related to generating color palettes with good contrast. While HCT may seem like a revolutionary color model, the idea behind it is quite simple, take the perceptually uniform color model CAM16 and combine it with the CIE Lab's lightness.

Upside of HCT

sannajammeh / Image.astro
Last active March 3, 2025 08:26
Astro Responsive Image
import type { ImageMetadata, ImageTransform } from "astro";
import { getImage } from "astro:assets";
import LoadableImage from "./LoadableImage.astro";
type Props = {
src: ImageMetadata;
alt: string;
* Array of screens to generate the image for i.e [320, 480, 1200]
tabatkins /
Last active September 29, 2023 22:43
Pattern Matching, 2023-07-10

Pattern Matching Rewrite


This proposal has several parts:

  1. A new syntax construct, the "matcher pattern", which is an elaboration on

Image stacking is a collection of related techniques used in astrophotography which all use multiple images taken by a camera to achieve a more detailed photo than would otherwise be possible. I’ve talked about image stacking in the past, but I hand-waved the statistical parts a bit. In this post, I want to dig into those mathematical details so that you understand why image stacking actually works.

But first, I’ll tell a story about thermometers. We’ll come back to image stacking after that.

Let’s imagine you’re a scientist, and you need to know the temperature of the room you’re in to within a tenth of a degree in order to run an experiment. You dutifully order a super expensive NIST-traceable thermometer online, but on the day it arrives, you open the box only to discover that you got a hundred cheap alcohol thermometers instead.

The expensive thermometer would have done the job to within a hundredth of a degree, but now it’s too late to wait for a new one to arrive, and all you have are these che

LukeMathWalker / audit.yml
Last active March 11, 2025 05:49
GitHub Actions - Rust setup
name: Security audit
- cron: '0 0 * * *'
- '**/Cargo.toml'
- '**/Cargo.lock'
aqua-lzma / owoify.js
Last active January 2, 2023 18:36
OwO'ify discowd hehe makes it vewy funny :3 (Check comments for usage)
(function () {
// OwO whats this vewsion 6.9.?c ~ :3
// I h-hope you l-like it...
let stutterChance = 0.1
let prefixChance = 0.05
let suffixChance = 0.15
let words = {
love: 'wuv',
mr: 'mistuh',
Yepoleb / aoc3.cpp
Last active December 3, 2018 23:19
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>