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X# these attributes are set in this recipe because
# they should *only* be set if this recipe is run
node.default['krb5']['krb5_conf']['appdefaults']['pam']['mappings'] = '^(.*)$ $1/sudo'
# authconfig should not be run b/c kerb is enabled manually only for
# sudo using the pam recipe
node.default['krb5']['client']['authconfig'] = 'echo "no need to run authconfig"'
include_recipe 'krb5'
include_recipe 'pam'
jayhendren / kitchen converge output
Created March 5, 2016 00:06
using resources method from LWRP resource collection context
[birdsnest ~/pit/local/data/sis/git/cookbooks/cub_httpd](master|✔)[I]% kitchen converge 7
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.5.0)
-----> Using policyfile mode for chef-client
-----> Using policyfile mode for chef-client
-----> Converging <default-CUBoulder-rhel-7>...
Preparing files for transfer
Preparing dna.json
Preparing validation.pem
Preparing client.rb
-----> Chef Omnibus installation detected (12.7.2)
jayhendren / output.txt
Created February 6, 2017 18:56
poise-python with python34
[birdsnest ~/local/data/sis/git/cookbooks/python-testing][I]% kitchen converge
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.14.2)
-----> Using policyfile mode for chef-client
-----> Converging <default-cub-rh7>...
Preparing files for transfer
Installing cookbooks for Policyfile /home/jay/local/data/sis/git/cookbooks/python-testing/Policyfile.rb using `chef install`
Installing cookbooks from lock
Installing python-testing 0.1.0
Using cub_shared 0.1.3
Using cub_redhat_subscription_manager 0.2.4
[birdsnest ~/Work/git/chef_metadata](master|✔)[N]% knife bootstrap -i ~/.ssh/localization_rsa -N 'unix-766' -x root --json-attribute-file nodes/unix-766.json --bootstrap-version=14.2.0 localhost
Doing old-style registration with the validation key at /home/jay/.chef/validation.pem...
Delete your validation key in order to use your user credentials instead
Connecting to localhost
Enter passphrase for /home/jay/.ssh/localization_rsa:
localhost -----> Existing Chef installation detected
localhost Starting the first Chef Client run...
localhost Starting Chef Client, version 14.2.0
localhost Creating a new client identity for unix-766 using the validator key.