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Jacob Beard jbeard4

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jbeard4 / .config
Last active April 23, 2024 15:50
Setup jslinux
# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
# Buildroot 2017.02 Configuration
a1cb3bd501b74977a4ae12c0db67fc63 #
Description Resource Path Location Type
AbstractText cannot be resolved to a type /org.eclipse.elk.conn.graphiti/src/org/eclipse/elk/alg/graphiti line 67 Java Problem
AbstractText cannot be resolved to a type /org.eclipse.elk.conn.graphiti/src/org/eclipse/elk/alg/graphiti line 68 Java Problem
AbstractText cannot be resolved to a type /org.eclipse.elk.conn.graphiti/src/org/eclipse/elk/alg/graphiti line 68 Java Problem
AbstractText cannot be resolved to a type /org.eclipse.elk.conn.graphiti/src/org/eclipse/elk/alg/graphiti line 81 Java Problem
AbstractText cannot be resolved to a type /org.eclipse.elk.conn.graphiti/src/org/eclipse/elk/alg/graphiti line 82 Java Problem
AbstractText cannot be resolved to a type /org.eclipse.elk.conn.graphiti/src/org/eclipse/elk/alg/graphiti line 82 Java Problem
Anchor cannot be resolved to a type GraphElementIndicator.ja
jbeard4 / csv-to-ghi.js
Last active August 14, 2018 02:23
Node script to read a CSV, and shell out to the ghi utility to create github issues
const fs = require('fs')
const { exec } = require('child_process');
const eachSeries = require('async/eachSeries');
const x = fs.readFileSync('issues.tsv','utf8')
const arrs = x.split('\r\n').map(row => {const arr = row.split('\t'); const o = {priority: arr[0], date_reported: arr[1], reporter: arr[2], status: arr[3], description: arr[4], steps_to_reproduce: arr[5], screenshot: arr[6], dev_assigned: arr[7], dev_notes: arr[8], status: arr[9]}; return o})
let i = 0;
eachSeries(arrs, (o, cb) => {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scxml xmlns="" name="device" datamodel="ecmascript" version="1.0">
<state id="OK">
<state id="on">
<transition target="off" event="device.turnOff"/>
<state id="off">
<transition target="on" event="device.turnOn"/>
<transition target="error" event="device.error"/>
Hello, Thanks for signing up for RescueTime. It seems you activated RescueTime through an optimized sign up using the address "[email protected]". You don't need to do anything else at this point, however you can access our site to view your reports and manage your account from any browser by completing your setup with a login. Simply set a password: RescueTime site login setup link: If you do not need or are not interested in logging into the site, just delete this message. Thanks! The RescueTime Team
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<feed xmlns="" xml:lang="en-ca">
This is a data file that is meant to be read by RSS readers or aggregators.
See to learn more about our RSS service.
<title>Toronto - Weather - Environment Canada</title>
<link rel="related" href="" type="text/html"/>
<link rel="self" href="" type="application/atom+xml"/>
jbeard4 /
Last active December 19, 2015 04:38 — forked from danchoi/

My Xmonad recipe for OS X Lion

My recipe for setting up Xmonad on Ubuntu GNU/Linux is here.

What is xmonad? Read this page to learn.

Some of these instructions were adapted from the Source Matters Blog. But I also depart from those instructions in certain ways.

jbeard4 /
Last active December 15, 2015 13:19
Using closure compiler to stitch commonjs modules together.
find ./lib -type d \( -path ./lib/rhino -o -path ./lib/node -o -path ./lib/browser/build \) -prune -o -name '*.js' -print | xargs java -jar ~/Downloads/compiler.jar --formatting=PRETTY_PRINT --process_common_js_modules --common_js_entry_module=lib/scion.js --output_wrapper '(function (root, scion) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(o); } else { root.scion = scion(); } }(this, function () { %output% return module$lib$scion;}));' > dist/combined.js
java -jar ~/Downloads/compiler.jar --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS dist/combined.js > dist/out.js