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jbinkleyj / rAF.js
Created August 23, 2013 17:23 — forked from paulirish/rAF.js
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
OAuth = require('oauth').OAuth
_ = require 'underscore'
class LinkedInClient
@baseUrl: ''
@requestTokenUrl: "#{@baseUrl}/uas/oauth/requestToken"
@accessTokenUrl: "#{@baseUrl}/uas/oauth/accessToken"
@authorizeUrl: "#{@baseUrl}/uas/oauth/authorize"
@profileFields: ['id', 'headline', 'first-name', 'last-name', 'public-profile-url', 'picture-url', 'educations', 'positions', 'email-address']
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>jQuery + CoffeeScript tutorial: animation stacking</title>
div.tree-frog {font-size: 12pt; border: 1px solid white; height: 38px; width: 38px; position: absolute}
<script src="coffee-script.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
see also:
This didn't work with an 'old' version of the plugin, try the latest one.
Idea is to do file upload all programmatically, thus only sending files once user has confirmed what to do with the files.
<div class="row">
<div class="span10">
OAuth = require('oauth').OAuth
_ = require 'underscore'
class LinkedInClient
@baseUrl: ''
@requestTokenUrl: "#{@baseUrl}/uas/oauth/requestToken"
@accessTokenUrl: "#{@baseUrl}/uas/oauth/accessToken"
@authorizeUrl: "#{@baseUrl}/uas/oauth/authorize"
@profileFields: ['id', 'headline', 'first-name', 'last-name', 'public-profile-url', 'picture-url', 'educations', 'positions', 'email-address']
// Created by STRd6
// MIT License
// jquery.paste_image_reader.js
(function($) {
var defaults;
$.event.fix = (function(originalFix) {
return function(event) {
event = originalFix.apply(this, arguments);
if (event.type.indexOf('copy') === 0 || event.type.indexOf('paste') === 0) {
event.clipboardData = event.originalEvent.clipboardData;
jbinkleyj / reminder.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08 — forked from cowboy/reminder.js
(function(){ console.log( eval('this') ); }.call({a:1}))
// Object {a: 1}
(function(){ console.log( (0,eval)('this') ); }.call({a:1}))
// Window {top: Window, window: Window, location: Location, external: Object, chrome: Object…}
jbinkleyj / 1.usage.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08 — forked from cowboy/1.usage.js
// Let's assume we've got a situation where there's going to be a lot of
// binding, eg. doSomethingWith(myThing.getProp.bind(myThing)); and we want
// to simplify app code by reducing the number of times .bind(myThing) gets
// called.
var myThing = new Thing("Test");
myThing.getProp() // "Test" // "Test"
myThing.setProp("Another Test");
jbinkleyj / awesome.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08 — forked from cowboy/awesome.js
document.write = (function(write){
var override = function() {
if(document.readyState !== "loading") { // document has finished loading - we want to intercept this call to document.write
if (window.ueLogError) {
try {
throw new Error("`document.write` called after page load on the gateway.");
catch(e) {
ueLogError(e, { logLevel : 'ERROR', attribution: 'gw-third-party-js' });