let f, c, d, g, i;

 * Note: this will pollute global scope.
 * Accepts a floating point number and returns a fractional representation of `n`
 *   in the form `[numerator, denominator]`.
 * If you encounter a stack overflow, try increasing the value of `e`,
 *   i.e. do not set `e` to `Number.EPSILON`.
 * @param {number} n            a floating point number
 * @param {number?} e           epsilon
 * @returns {[number, number]}  a fractional representation of `n`
f = (n, e = 1e-3) =>
    c = (
      g = (n, e, c = []) =>               // `g` is a lambda that builds a continued fractional
                                          //   representation of an `n`:
        (d = n - (i = ~~n)) > e           // if the fractional component of the number passed to `g`
                                          //   is greater than the epsilon
          ? [...c, i, ...g(1 / d, e, c)]  // ...append the natural component of `n`, and the result 
                                          //   of recursively calling `g` on the inverse of the
                                          //   fractional component (e.g.
                                          //     `g(3.5, e, [1]) == g(1 / 0.5, e, [1, 3])`)
          : [...c, i]                     // ...else append `n` and return the generated continued
                                          //   fraction.
    )(n, e).reverse()                     // call `g` with our initial arguments and reverse
                                          //   the result.
  ).reduce(                               // then, reduce our RTL continued fraction into a standard
                                          //   fractional form of `n`:
    ([d, n], a) => [a * d + n, d],        // by recursively reducing `1 / [a + n / d]` into the
                                          //   equivalent `d / [a * d + n]` (e.g.
                                          //     1 / [2 + 3 / 4] == 4 / [2 * 4 + 3] == 4 / 11)
    [c.shift(), 1]                        // starting with the smallest component of the
                                          //   continued fraction and working outwards
  )                                       // leaving us with a fractional representation of `n`.