I hereby claim:
- I am jegtnes on github.
- I am jegtnes (https://keybase.io/jegtnes) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCKHOB0n6Q26jdAWmdre4m72ud1r0B4JEQ_FBMyRETwowo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
header:after { | |
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); | |
content: ""; | |
height: 100%; | |
left: 0; | |
position: absolute; | |
top: 0; | |
width: 100%; | |
z-index: -1; | |
} |
<?php | |
$categories = $_GET( 'categories' ); | |
$tags = $_GET( 'tags' ); | |
$query = new WP_Query( | |
array( 'cat' => $categories ), | |
array( 'tags' => $tags ) | |
); | |
while ( $query->have_posts() ) : |
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'http://local.dev', 'http://stage.project.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl'; | |
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'http://local.dev', 'http://stage.project.com'); | |
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'http://local.dev', 'http://stage.project.com'); |
<?php | |
function sass_darken($hex, $percent) { | |
preg_match('/^#?([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i', $hex, $primary_colors); | |
str_replace('%', '', $percent); | |
$color = "#"; | |
for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { | |
$primary_colors[$i] = hexdec($primary_colors[$i]); | |
$primary_colors[$i] = round($primary_colors[$i] * (100-($percent*2))/100); | |
$color .= str_pad(dechex($primary_colors[$i]), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); | |
} |
$i: 0; | |
$color: rgb(0, 255, 0); | |
@while $i < 100 { | |
$i: $i + 1; | |
.color-#{$i} { | |
color: $color; | |
} | |
$color: adjust-color($color, $red: 2.55, $green: -2.55); | |
} |
var gulp = require('gulp'); | |
var sass = require('gulp-sass'); // skip this if you're working with vanilla CSS | |
var rename = require('gulp-rename'); | |
var cmq = require('gulp-combine-media-queries'); | |
var uncss = require('gulp-uncss'); | |
var download = require('download'); | |
var cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin'); | |
var clean = require('gulp-clean'); | |
var xml2js = require('gulp-xml2js'); |
#!/bin/bash | |
mocha_skip_found=`git grep -e ".only" --or -e ".skip" HEAD` | |
if [ "$mocha_skip_found" ] | |
then | |
commit=`git log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset %s' -G "(.only|.skip)" | head -n1` | |
echo "Found Mocha test suite skip. This change was last introduced in:" | |
echo $commit | |
echo "Not pushing. (override with the --no-verify flag)" |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: