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jessie-2023 / cssNamedColors.csv
Last active January 24, 2025 10:54
Keyword RGB hex value
aliceblue #f0f8ff
antiquewhite #faebd7
aqua #00ffff
aquamarine #7fffd4
azure #f0ffff
beige #f5f5dc
bisque #ffe4c4
black #000000
blanchedalmond #ffebcd
jessie-2023 / GlobalGenderGap.csv
Last active March 27, 2025 07:10
Global Gender Gap Report
year regionName generalGap healthGap educationGap economicalGap politicalGap gdpPerCapita population countryName countryId
2005 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6607 0.9553 0.9888 0.6613 0.0375 6529.724 3.08681 Albania 8
2006 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6685 0.9553 0.9925 0.6885 0.0375 7106.359 3.063021 Albania 8
2007 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6591 0.9553 0.9907 0.6491 0.0413 7664.077 3.033998 Albania 8
2008 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6601 0.9553 0.9906 0.6532 0.0413 8612.485 3.002678 Albania 8
2009 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6726 0.937 0.9942 0.6808 0.0785 9317.428 2.973048 Albania 8
2010 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6748 0.9268 0.9809 0.7129 0.0784 10519.37 2.948023 Albania 8
2011 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6655 0.9313 0.989 0.6663 0.0753 10708.14 2.928592 Albania 8
2012 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6412 0.9313 0.9755 0.6324 0.0256 11103.5 2.914096 Albania 8
2013 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 0.6869 0.9409 0.97 0.6534 0.1834 10643.21 2.90379 Albania 8