justin@justin-XPS-13-9360:~/work$ python3 kalman_dog.py
(1.00000, 401.00000) 1.3535959735108178 (1.35184, 1.99007)
(2.35184, 2.99007) 1.8820653967131618 (2.07035, 1.19841)
(3.07035, 2.19841) 4.341047429453569 (3.73572, 1.04726)
(4.73572, 2.04726) 7.156332673205118 (5.96016, 1.01168)
(6.96016, 2.01168) 6.938695089418526 (6.94940, 1.00291)
(7.94940, 2.00291) 6.843912342028484 (7.39625, 1.00073)
export BROWSER=google-chrome
Need client_id
and client_secret
from API homepage, stored in tmp/config.yaml
client_id: "#{client_id}"
justin@justin-XPS-13-9360:~/work$ python team_matcher.py
AFC Bournemouth: Bournemouth
Arsenal: Arsenal
Aston Villa: Aston Villa
Bournemouth: Bournemouth
Brighton: Brighton
Brighton & Hove Albion: Brighton
Burnley: Burnley
justin@justin-XPS-13-9360:~/work$ python3 goals_grid.py
home_win 0.45395
away_win 0.24608
draw 0.29997
over_05 0.86466
under_05 0.13534
over_15 0.59399
under_15 0.40601
over_25 0.32332
justin@justin-XPS-13-9360:~/work$ python3 mapreduce.py
spawning batch 1
result -> {'x': 2, 'y': 6, 'z': 8}
result -> {'x': 6, 'y': 8, 'z': 14}
spawning batch 2
result -> {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
result -> {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
- x: 2
justin@justin-XPS-13-9360:~/work$ python3 black_scholes.py
call: 4.75942
put : 0.80860
justin@justin-XPS-13-9360:~/work$ python3 binomial.py
call: 4.75982
put : 0.80899
justin@justin-XPS-13-9360:~/work$ python3 monte_carlo.py
call: 4.75913
put : 0.80862
justin@justin-XPS-13-9360:~/work/gists/f2765d0e7e8637e020cf90798aa87158$ python3 bbc_links.py
- img: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/200/cpsprodpb/15473/production/_109355178_hi057516604.jpg
- news
text: 39 погибших в фуре в английском графстве Эссекс - граждане Китая
url: https://www.bbc.com/russian/news-50154070
- img: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/200/cpsprodpb/15CB1/production/_109356298_6ef9b12a-d608-49ab-b285-ee8925ead420.jpg
- features
- Content-Type: application/json means a request can no longer be considered a CORS simple request, hence a CORS preflight request is triggered
- https://auth0.com/blog/cors-tutorial-a-guide-to-cross-origin-resource-sharing/
- seems that OPTIONS is not supported by AllowedMethods
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-cors-corsrule.html#cfn-s3-bucket-cors-corsrule-allowedmethods
- however
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/cors.html
- "The rule also allows all headers in a preflight OPTIONS request through the Access-Control-Request-Headers header. In response to preflight OPTIONS requests, Amazon S3 returns requested headers"
- this suggests that specifying Content-Type: application/json should be okay