I have a number of gulp-related modules in a gulpfile that I need to load, like this:
var foo = require('gulp-foo');
var bar = require('gulp-bar');
// Later ...
// libs/foo.js | |
module.exports = 'FOO'; | |
// libs/bar.js | |
module.exports = 'BAR'; | |
// libs/index.js | |
module.exports = require('bulk-require')(__dirname, ['*.js']); | |
// app.js |
Danah Boyd’s SXSW keynote is sold out. When it’s over, a dozen fans rush the stage. | |
These fans aren’t young groupies hoping to get a closer glimpse at their favorite rock star, but full-grown adults hoping to hear one more word from Boyd. She’s one of the world’s sharpest authorities on how teens interact with technology, and for many, her word has become canon for understanding why teens do what they do. | |
The stage-rushers are e-marketers, digital strategists, and marketing gurus, but many of them are also quite likely parents. “Why are teens creating multiple identities online?” one asks. Boyd looks a little exhausted. After a 30-minute talk on her new book It’s Complicated, the sum of a decade of research and over 150 interviews with teens, Boyd already allowed another 30 minutes for Q & A. | |
But she’s smiling. This isn’t her first rodeo, having already made herself famous for past SXSW keynotes and years worth of scholarly papers on teen behaviors. Boyd’s day job is at Microsoft Research, where she helps |
I have a number of gulp-related modules in a gulpfile that I need to load, like this:
var foo = require('gulp-foo');
var bar = require('gulp-bar');
// Later ...
[gulp] Running 'react'... | |
[gulp] Finished 'react' in 2.28 ms | |
... Reload /Users/jjt/Sites/LUXTRUBUK/client/src/jsx/index.js ... | |
... Reload /Users/jjt/Sites/LUXTRUBUK/client/src/jsx/luxtrubuk.js ... | |
[gulp] Running 'browserify'... | |
[gulp] Finished 'browserify' in 461 μs | |
[gulp] Running 'browserify'... | |
[gulp] Finished 'browserify' in 310 μs | |
[gulp] Running 'react'... | |
[gulp] Finished 'react' in 831 μs |
{ | |
"label": "Ergodox Colemak jjt-symbolmod", | |
"fingerStart": { | |
"1": 29, | |
"2": 30, | |
"3": 31, | |
"4": 32, | |
"5": 66, | |
"6": 75, | |
"7": 35, |
module.exports = (grunt) -> | |
# Path to bower module | |
# ex. bower 'pure' == 'public/bower_components/pure' | |
bower = (str) -> | |
"public/bower_components/#{str}" | |
grunt.initConfig | |
# Pure is great, but I want to import the css files in scss files | |
# So this takes the copy from Bower and makes *.scss files from them | |
copy: |
# Edit here - set path to you directory with config.json & fonts | |
FONT_DIR ?= ./assets/vendor/fontello/src | |
### Don't edit below ### | |
FONTELLO_HOST ?= http://fontello.com | |
fontopen: | |
@if test ! `which curl` ; then \ |
user nginx; | |
worker_processes 1; | |
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; | |
pid /var/run/nginx.pid; | |
events { | |
worker_connections 1024; | |
} |
// Not so DRY: | |
// module_1.js | |
define(["underscore", "zepto", "momentjs",...], function(_, $, Moment, ... ) { | |
// ... | |
}); | |
// module_2.js | |
define(["underscore", "zepto", "momentjs",...], function(_, $, Moment, ... ) { | |
// ... |
#!/bin/bash | |
SITE=/home/dev/sites/rmx | |
# Arbitrary shell commands, some run in background | |
echo "RMX using siteroot=$SITE" | |
$SITE/rmx/manage.py runserver & | |
compass watch $SITE/media/compass/ & | |
coffee -o $SITE/media/js -cw $SITE/media/coffee & | |
hamlpy-watcher $SITE/templates/hamlpy $SITE/templates/templates & |