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# Function for your .zshrc file | |
# Requirements: install the package manager Homebrew (http://brew.sh), then install exiftool (type brew install exiftool in Terminal.app). | |
# Renames image and MOV files according to EXIF capture date, using YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.ext format. | |
# Files shot within the same second get copy number added (-1,-2, etc.). | |
# Video files require a different, so we run exiftool 3 times: | |
# 1. Exclude MOV files and rename the image files with <CreateDate>. | |
# 2. Target MOV files and rename them with MediaCreateDate (for iPhone videos). | |
# 3. Target MOV files and rename them with DateTimeOriginal (for Fuji camera videos). |
<ul class="post-share"> | |
{% set post_url_safe = entry.url | url_encode %} | |
{% set post_title_safe = entry.title | url_encode %} | |
{% set site_name_safe = siteName | url_encode %} | |
<li class="share-link share-link-twitter"><a target="_blank" href="http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url={{ post_url_safe}}&text={{ post_title_safe }}&via={{ site_name_safe }}">Share on Twitter</a></li> | |
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</ul> <!-- post-share --> |
{% if entry.postBody | length %} | |
<div class="post-body"> | |
{% for block in entry.postBody %} | |
{% switch block.type %} | |
{% case 'textBlock' %} | |
{{ block.text }} | |
{# cases for other blocks #} |
<ul class="prev-next cf"> | |
{% set params = {section: 'blog', order: 'postDate desc', limit: null} %} | |
{% set entry_prev = entry.getPrev(params) %} | |
{% set entry_next = entry.getNext(params) %} | |
{% if entry_prev %}<li class="prev"><a title="{{ entry_prev.title }}" href="{{entry_prev.url}}">Previous Post</a></li>{% endif %} | |
{% if entry_next %}<li class="next"><a title="{{ entry_next.title }}" href="{{entry_next.url}}">Next Post</a></li>{% endif %} | |
</ul> |
# Mimic Some Textmate Keyboard Shortcuts | |
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])': | |
'alt-cmd-[': 'editor:auto-indent' | |
'alt-cmd-w': 'editor:toggle-soft-wrap' | |
'alt-cmd-i': 'window:toggle-invisibles' | |
# Preserve Emmet keybindings but fix tab collision | |
# https://github.com/emmetio/emmet-atom/issues/225 | |
'atom-text-editor.autocomplete-active:not([mini])': | |
'tab': 'autocomplete-plus:confirm' |
# Add Git to Bash and customize PS1 | |
parse_git_branch() { | |
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ \1/' | |
} | |
export PS1="\n\[\e[90m\]————————————————————————————————————————————\[\e[m\]\n\w -\[\e[90m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\e[m\] \n$ " |
// Wordpress Admin bar breakpoints | |
$bp--admin-bar-sticks: 600px; | |
$bp--admin-bar-gets-taller: 783px; | |
// Wordpress Admin bar heights | |
$wp-narrow-offset: 46px; | |
$wp-wide-offset: 32px; | |
// Fixed-positioning that accounts for WP admin bar when present |