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joakin / sinprepro.css
Created August 20, 2014 11:38
css chorizo chess board checkers style
different types of grids with no formula nor logic styled as a chess board...
all layout logic and colors are handled in css. In html is just
<div class='irServers-XXX'>
<div class='irServer'>Oh hai</div>
<div class='irServer'>Oh hai</div>
<div class='irServer'>Oh hai</div>
(def gulp (js/require "gulp"))
(def markdown (js/require "gulp-markdown"))
(.task gulp "default" (fn []
(-> (.src gulp "")
(.pipe (markdown))
(.pipe (.dest gulp 'dist'))))
set statusline=
set statusline +=%3*\ %n\ %* " buffer number
" set statusline +=%5*%{&ff}%* " file format
set statusline +=\ \ %<%f\ \ %* " full path
set statusline +=%4*%m%* " modified flag
set statusline +=%3*\ %y\ %* " file type
set statusline +=%3*%=%* " align right
set statusline +=%5*%4c\ %* " column number
set statusline +=%2*%5l%* " current line
1: ~/.vimrc
2: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/HEAD/share/vim/vim74/ftoff.vim
3: ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle.vim
4: ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/config.vim
5: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/HEAD/share/vim/vim74/filetype.vim
6: ~/.vim/bundle/ultisnips/ftdetect/snippets.vim
7: ~/.vim/bundle/ultisnips/ftdetect/UltiSnips.vim
8: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/ftdetect/javascript.vim
9: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-json/ftdetect/json.vim
#!/usr/bin/env node
var fs = require('fs');
var fs = require('fs');
var fsasdf = require('fs');
var jade = require('jade');
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
var md = require('marked');
var extend = require('lodash.assign');
- name: add repo host key to known_hosts
lineinfile: "create=yes dest=/home/ci/.ssh/known_hosts
line={{ repo_host_key.stdout }}
- name: make ci owner of buildbot_master dir
file: path={{ buildbot_master_path }}
1: ~/.vimrc
2: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/HEAD/share/vim/vim74/ftoff.vim
3: ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle.vim
4: ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/autoload/vundle/config.vim
5: /usr/local/Cellar/vim/HEAD/share/vim/vim74/filetype.vim
6: ~/.vim/bundle/ultisnips/ftdetect/snippets.vim
7: ~/.vim/bundle/ultisnips/ftdetect/UltiSnips.vim
8: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-javascript/ftdetect/javascript.vim
9: ~/.vim/bundle/vim-json/ftdetect/json.vim
joakin /
Created October 30, 2014 07:43
chestnut and vim-fireplace

A previous post asking how to get vim-fireplace to work with a browser-repl from chestnut just got deleted. Here is my solution, in case anybody else has been wondering.

Ok I finally got this to work using the advice from /u/joshuadavey.

My precise steps:

Open vim
Back in the terminal, run lein repl
In the repl, do (run)
joakin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
ads api v1

Ads api.

When ommited, the responses will be application/json by default

GET /ads/list

When ok:
  • Status code: 200
joakin / 1.json
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
"id": 1,
"title": "Fake collection",
"description": "With a fake description",
"owner": "User",
"public": true,
"image": "Monyigote.png",
"items": [
"Albert Einstein",