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13:06≀17 -!- zoned [[email protected]] has joined #afternet
13:06≀21 < zoned> hey faggots, go listen to EFNET NEWS by JASON BANDY! click here: - and after you're done check out vap0r's new track "staying up late"
13:06≀26 < zoned> it's about staying up too late and not being able to break away from your keyboard!!!! HA HA AHA - come join us on #efnetnews - feel free to use !! COME
13:09≀16 -!- zoned [[email protected]] has quit [G-lined (<jobe> Spamming)]
john@joran ~/code/rust ❯ cargo install cargo-tree
Updating registry ``
Downloading cargo-tree v0.9.1
Downloading petgraph v0.4.2
Downloading cargo v0.15.0
Downloading ordermap v0.2.7
Downloading fixedbitset v0.1.5
Downloading flate2 v0.2.15
Downloading docopt v0.6.86
Downloading libc v0.2.20
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
_wordcopy_fwd_aligned (dstp=140737488333344, srcp=192, len=26) at wordcopy.c:41
41 wordcopy.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0 _wordcopy_fwd_aligned (dstp=140737488333344, srcp=192, len=26) at wordcopy.c:41
#1 0x00007ffff742d06d in __memmove_sse2 (dest=0x7fffffffaa20, src=<optimised out>, len=208) at ../string/memmove.c:78
#2 0x00007ffff59076ce in ?? () from /usr/lib/nvidia-367/
#3 0x00007ffff590cb32 in ?? () from /usr/lib/nvidia-367/
#4 0x00007ffff5918ca3 in ?? () from /usr/lib/nvidia-367/
#5 0x00007ffff5925def in ?? () from /usr/lib/nvidia-367/
Game update: AppID 570 "Dota 2", ProcID 1736, IP
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1469850758)
Using breakpad crash handler
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 570
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197970948899 [API loaded yes]
johndrinkwater / gist:0da25e9db030ef243931e59aa103f358
Created August 1, 2016 18:49
Dota likes to ask for layers.
Aug 1 19:46:22 joran gnome-session[1893]: Searching the following paths for manifest files: /etc/vulkan/explicit_layer.d:/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d
Aug 1 19:46:22 joran gnome-session[1893]: Searching the following path for manifest files: /home/john/settings/data/vulkan/explicit_layer.d
Aug 1 19:46:22 joran gnome-session[1893]: Searching the following paths for manifest files: /etc/vulkan/implicit_layer.d:/usr/share/vulkan/implicit_layer.d
Aug 1 19:46:22 joran gnome-session[1893]: Searching the following path for manifest files: /home/john/settings/data/vulkan/implicit_layer.d
Aug 1 19:46:22 joran gnome-session[1893]: Searching the following paths for manifest files: /etc/vulkan/explicit_layer.d:/usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d
Aug 1 19:46:22 joran gnome-session[1893]: Searching the following path for manifest files: /home/john/settings/data/vulkan/explicit_layer.d
Aug 1 19:46:22 joran gnome-session[1893]: Searching the following paths for manifest files: /etc/vulkan/implicit_layer.d:/usr/sha
Witch Beam/Assault Android Cactus/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 5.3.4f1 (fdbb5133b820)
Stolen Couch Games/Ichi/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.3.0f4 (e01000627d60)
Wales Interactive/Gravity Badgers/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.3.0f4 (e01000627d60)
Toasty Games/Parallax/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.6.2p1 (d5c84eeb5d80)
Bohemia Interactive/Arma Tactics/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.2.1f3 (a184a306e721)
Mike Bithell/Thomas Was Alone/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.3.1f1 (cebd4d9b5122)
RobotLovesKitty/Legend of Dungeon/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.3.1f1 (cebd4d9b5122)
Serious Brew/Cargo Commander/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.3.1f1 (cebd4d9b5122)
Matthew Brown/Hexcells/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.3.1f1 (cebd4d9b5122)
Matthew Brown/Hexcells Plus/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.3.1f1 (cebd4d9b5122)
2DArray/Not the Robots/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.1.2f1 (911c7369eeac)
3 Sprockets/Cubemen/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.0.0f5
3 Sprockets/Cubemen2/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.2.0b5 (8959c9141f86)
AmbientStudios/DeathInc/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.0.1f2
ArtWareGames Inc./Secret of the Magic Crystal/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.1.0f4 (88f3bc4c76f9)
AwesomeApps/Quintet/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.6.4f1 (99f88340878d)
Behold Studios/Pen and Paper/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.6.9f1 (44099fd26189)
BetaDwarf ApS/FORCED/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.3.3f1 (c8ca9b6b9936)
Big Robot/SirLauncher/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.6.1f1 (d1db7a1b5196)
Big Robot/SirYouAreBeingHunted/Player.log:Initialize engine version: 4.6.1f1 (d1db7a1b5196)
johndrinkwater / gist:556945a4be2477dfbfbfae8cab52d3c4
Created May 15, 2016 19:30
The awesomeness of phpunit being triggered on a pre-commit hook for the cached change, it stops git commit
john@joran ~/code/PSN⇔Steam ±:master *+%❯ git commit
Stop `git commit`, test failed with: PHPUnit 4.7.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Time: 361 ms, Memory: 5.25Mb
There was 1 failure:
1) PSNSteamTest::testJSON
johndrinkwater / gist:6e52062649308e23297078447812cc79
Created May 11, 2016 18:08
The story of my nickname / handle
18:06≀39 <@[Beta]> Tess,
18:16≀43 <@Tess> cute
19:04≀13 <@ps> whats with the nickname, john?
19:04≀24 <@ps> especially with the annoying punctuation
19:04≀24 <@[Beta]> disconnect
19:04≀31 <@ps> how come its not just "beta"
19:04≀46 <@ps> was it always [beta]?
19:04≀52 <@[Beta]> yup
19:05≀06 <@[Beta]> I wanted [Beta_Tester] on Efnet originally
19:05≀17 <@[Beta]> their nick limits meant I shorterned it to [Beta_Test]
johndrinkwater / gist:062db4bad72c4ee0c1b368302fdc472d
Last active April 1, 2016 08:53
Head desking at an infrequent sight on Vox sites
Unicode is what we all use* to store our characters. Because of legacy reasons,
we needed a way to store them so that the basics mapped onto the old system
(ASCII) so UTF-8 was created. It is a representation of Unicode with certain
constraints on how we store our characters. For something like an em dash ( — ),
this is U+2014 in Unicode, and represented as
0xE2 0x80 0x94 in UTF‐8 bytes.
What I assume is happening in this case, is your writers are using em dashes
freely in their writing, copy/pasting the content into your CMS and at this
point it is converting the above sequence into: