# Example XML sitemap rendering for news with TYPO3 9.5 To render Google compliant news sitemap with TYPO3 version 9.5 with its included SEO extension and thirdparty news extension from Georg Ringer, this example is a quick start you can embed in your own project. It follows the recommended XML scheme from Google [Google News Sitemaps](http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap-news/0.9) ## Requirements You need to use a project or sitepackage extension in your TYPO3 installation (see also [Sitepackage builder](https://sitepackagebuilder.com/)). ## How to Given, you already have installed TYPO3 9 system extension _seo_ and included static TypoScript for it... You need to embed following two files in your project or sitepackage extension: - **TxNewsGoogleXmlSitemapDataProvider.php** - PHP class as data provider for news XML sitemap _/Classes/XmlSitemap/TxNewsGoogleXmlSitemapDataProvider.php_ - **GoogleNews.xml** - FLUID template for news sitemap _/Resources/Private/Templates/XmlSitemap/GoogleNews.xml_ Include TypoScript **setup.typoscript** in your setup to use provider class and FLUID template for rendering. ### Adjustments - Adjust PHP namespace definitions for vendor and sitepackage in _TxNewsGoogleXmlSitemapDataProvider.php_ compared to your project or sitepackage extension (_Vendor\Sitepackage_) - Adjust TypoScript and specify at least provider class, pid and pageId in TypoScript compared to your page ID's in your installation: - _plugin.tx_seo.config.xmlSitemap.sitemaps.TxNewsGoogle.provider = Vendor\Sitepackage\XmlSitemap\TxNewsGoogleXmlSitemapDataProvider_ - _plugin.tx_seo.config.xmlSitemap.sitemaps.TxNewsGoogle.config.pid_ ... storage page for News - _plugin.tx_seo.config.xmlSitemap.sitemaps.TxNewsGoogle.config.url.pageId_ ... detail view page for News - See also [API/XML Sitemap](https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/latest/ApiOverview/XmlSitemap/Index.html) ## Improvements You are free to use and adopt this solution. Hints are appreciated. Improvements will help other projects. Leave a comment or link - maybe our contribution will be embed in news extension in future.