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Jon Prindiville jonprindiville

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jonprindiville /
Last active November 28, 2023 17:34
Tell me about ECS startup timing...
set -euo pipefail
aws ecs describe-tasks --cluster "${CLUSTER}" --tasks "${TASKS}" \
| jq '.tasks[]
| {
meta: {
clusterArn: .clusterArn,
jonprindiville /
Last active April 12, 2023 15:01
django-redis cluster client
A sketch of a django-redis integration with the Redis cluster features recently added to from
For non-clustered Redis, django-redis's ConnectionFactory does some management of
connection pools shared between client instances.
The cluster client in redis-py doesn't accept a connection pool from outside, they're
managed internally. To support that, we won't be caching connection pools and passing
them into clients, we will instead be caching client instances.
jonprindiville /
Last active May 17, 2019 21:17
GitHub -> known_hosts

Some commands for use in Circle CI config related to the task of getting GitHub's SSH keys into your known_hosts file.

Why is that useful? It's useful to me because I have some Circle CI jobs where I create a new branch, push it back to GitHub and create a PR. Without having a entry in your known_hosts file, the git push would fail. I mean, really it would hang waiting for user input with a prompt like: