Title: PyCon AU Notes
- WebTest
- WSGIProxy
- FunkLoad
Science and Engineering
nullable = function(name) { | |
union_name = paste(name, 'NULL', sep='_') | |
tryCatch({ | |
# existing definition | |
getClass(union_name) | |
return(union_name) | |
}, | |
error=function(e) { | |
# new definition |
deps: | |
brew install md5sha1sum automake snappy hadoop | |
tweak OS X: | |
# export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) | |
hack jvm: | |
# sudo mkdir -p ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/{i386,x86_64}/server | |
# sudo ln -s ${JAVA_HOME}/{../Libraries,lib/i386/server}/libjvm.dylib | |
# sudo ln -s ${JAVA_HOME}/{../Libraries,lib/x86_64/server}/libjvm.dylib |
# match on intersecting word set | |
matching_words = function(x, y) { | |
x = unlist(strsplit(x, ' ', fixed=TRUE)) | |
y = strsplit(y, ' ', fixed=TRUE) | |
# get intersections | |
results = sapply(y, function(b) { length(intersect(x, b)) }) | |
# break ties in intersection counts based on simplicity (length) of original phrase |
library(robustbase) | |
# black-scholes LGR function | |
LGR = function (x, LGR_0, sigma) { | |
d_1 = (log(x) + sigma ^ 2 / 2.0) / sigma | |
d_2 = d_1 - sigma | |
return(LGR_0 * ifelse(x > 0, pnorm(-d_2) - x * pnorm(-d_1), 1.0)) |
library(gtools) | |
step_length = 0.01 | |
x = seq(0.0, 1.0, step_length) | |
a = 20.0 | |
b = 2.0 | |
beta_mean = a / (a + b) |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
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<title>Title</title> | |
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> | |
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://github.com/downloads/gnab/remark/remark-0.4.2.min.js"></script> | |
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<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML&delayStartupUntil=configured"> | |
remark.on('ready', function () { | |
MathJax.Hub.Config({ |
require(plyr) | |
# determine the flags that make up the number | |
find_flags = function(x, dense=TRUE) { | |
# collapse flags if more than one provided | |
if (length(x) > 1) { | |
x = Reduce(`|.hexmode`, x) | |
} | |
# nothing to do if nothing has been set... |
library(plyr) | |
# compute columns - similar to transform and plyr::mutate | |
compute = function(.data, ..., .append=FALSE) { | |
cols = as.list(substitute(list(...))[-1]) | |
cols = cols[names(cols) != ''] | |
env = parent.frame() | |
# evaluate the columns |
# evaluate a condition | |
cond = function(expr, d=parent.frame()) { | |
Reduce(`&`, lapply(expr, eval, d)) | |
} | |
# example | |
l = list( | |
'Condition 1'=expression(x > 0), | |
'Condition 2'=expression(y < 0) |