Download Raspbian
Use etcher to flash the image to SD.
- Mount the SD and
$ cd /Volumes/boot/
typeset -U path cdpath fpath manpath | |
for profile in ${(z)NIX_PROFILES}; do | |
fpath+=($profile/share/zsh/site-functions $profile/share/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION/functions $profile/share/zsh/vendor-completions) | |
done | |
HELPDIR="/nix/store/i3lac62jigipwhsrjd10zr9z8ihfqmwb-zsh-5.9/share/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION/help" |
typeset -U path cdpath fpath manpath | |
for profile in ${(z)NIX_PROFILES}; do | |
fpath+=($profile/share/zsh/site-functions $profile/share/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION/functions $profile/share/zsh/vendor-completions) | |
done | |
HELPDIR="/nix/store/i3lac62jigipwhsrjd10zr9z8ihfqmwb-zsh-5.9/share/zsh/$ZSH_VERSION/help" |
by | |
Vince Gilligan | |
5/27/05 | |
AMC | |
Sony Pictures Television | |
[convert-UUP] | |
AutoStart =1 | |
AddUpdates =1 | |
Cleanup =0 | |
ResetBase =0 | |
NetFx3 =0 | |
StartVirtual =0 | |
wim2esd =0 | |
SkipISO =0 | |
SkipWinRE =0 |
set -x | |
cat karabiner.yaml | ruby -r yaml -r json -e 'puts YAML.load($' \ | |
| jq --sort-keys 'del(.definitions)' > karabiner.json |
// This renders the wiring diagram for the Makerbase 3D Touch probe for the Crealty 32bit Ender 3v2 board | |
digraph { | |
//rankdir=LR; | |
node [ shape=record ]; | |
touch [label=" | |
<G1> G| | |
<V> 5V| | |
<S> S| |
- run: #STABLE | |
name: Install Chromedriver latest version | |
command: | | |
sudo apt-get update | |
sudo apt-get install lsb-release libappindicator3-1 | |
curl -L -o google-chrome.deb | |
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome.deb | |
sudo sed -i 's|HERE/chrome"|HERE/chrome" --no-sandbox|g' /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome | |
rm google-chrome.deb |
I use as a registrar, and they resale SSL Certs from a number of other companies, including Comodo.
These are the steps I went through to set up an SSL cert.
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: