Libraries for a modern geospatial workflow

### Distribution

- [Writing, Running, and Distributing](
- [Tox driven development](
- [Publishing python libraries](

### Numpy

- [Introduction to Numpy](
- [Using Numpy Arrays](
- [Array Creation](
- [Creating and manipulating numerical data](
- [Multi-dimensional arrays](
- [Numpy tutorial I](
- [Numpy tutorial II](
- [An introduction to Numpy and Scipy](
- [Image processing with Numpy and Scipy](
- [Raster calculations with numpy.where](
- [Efficient computing with Numpy - Video](
- [Efficient computing with Numpy - Notebook](
- [Neural Networks (lots of Numpy)](

### [Rasterio](

- [Getting shapes of raster features](
- [Warping images](
- [Masking rasterio layers with vector features](
- [Rasterio tutorial](
- [Calculating NDVI I](
- [Calculating NDVI II](
- [Rasterio cheat sheet](

### [Fiona](

### [Xray](

- [Introducing xray (video)](

### [Pandas](

### [Geopandas](

### [python-raster-stats](

### [pyimpute](


### Processing satellite imagery

- [Analyzing Satellite Images with Python](
  - [Interacting with bands](
  - [Color processing](
  - [Panchromatic sharpening](
  - [NDVI](

### Machine Learning

- [Materials for Machine Learning](
- [Introductory playlist](

#### [Scikit-learn](

- PyCon 2015 Scikit-learn tutorial
  - [Repo](
  - [Video](
- [Machine learning for Astronomy with Scikit-learn](

#### [Scikit-image](

- [Using Scikit-image](
- [Image processing with Scikit-image](

[Python must-watch](