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Jack Wrenn jswrenn

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olberger /
Created December 4, 2014 09:59
Connection to a web app protected via Shibboleth with curl
#set -x
# Usage: {username} {password} # If you have any errors try removing the redirects to get more information
# The service to be called, and a url-encoded version (the url encoding isn't perfect, if you're encoding complex stuff you may wish to replace with a different method)
andrewlkho /
Last active July 22, 2024 16:24
Implementing HTTPS on NFSN ( hosting using Let's Encrypt

These instructions are for implementing HTTPS on a NFSN-hosted static site using a certificate from Let's Encrypt. The certificate is generated manually on a separate computer.

Start off by installing the letsencrypt client. This requires sudo privileges and will install a bunch of packages:

% curl -O
% chmod +x ./certbot-auto
% ./certbot-auto

Generate the certificate. This will require you to publish some challenge responses on NFSN. I find it easiest to use tmux with letsencrypt running in one window and an SSH session to NFSN in another:

egmontkob /
Last active February 26, 2025 13:54
Hyperlinks in Terminal Emulators