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Juancasantito juancasantito

  • MTechLLC
  • Leon,Nicaragua
View GitHub Profile
$url = ',-73.961452';
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client;
$response = $client->get($url, [
'headers' => ['Accept' => application/json],
$array = json_decode($response, TRUE);
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new \RecursiveArrayIterator($array),
// Recurse through the result array. When there is an array of items at the
class GmapJSONReader extends JSONReader {
public function getSourceFields($url) {
$items = parent::getSourceFields($url);
// Loop over the JSON values, walk the tree and extract as keyed values.
foreach ($items as &$item) {
if (isset($item['address_components']) && is_array($item['address_components'])) {
foreach ($item['address_components'] as $component) {
if (isset($component['long_name']) && isset($component['types']) && is_array($component['types'])) {
foreach ($component['types'] as $type) {
$item[$type] = $component['long_name'];
profiles:juanca* master$ drush cim sync -y
Collection Config Operation create
block.block.bartik_branding create
block.block.bartik_breadcrumbs create
block.block.bartik_content create create
block.block.bartik_local_actions create
block.block.bartik_local_tasks create create
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