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Justin Greer justingreerbbi

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* Add a new endpoint and functionality to WordPress OAuth Server.
* This snippet would go in your functions file.
* Requires that WP OAuth Server installed and activated.
* It can access using a valide access_token.
* POST/GET - Return JSON
* /oauth/hello?access_token=1234
justingreerbbi / modify_core_me_resource_endpoint
Created January 20, 2015 02:22
Replaces the default /oauth/me method for WordPress OAuth Server
add_filter('wo_endpoints','wo_extend_resource_api', 2);
function wo_extend_resource_api ($methods)
$methods['me'] = array('func'=>'_wo_me');
return $methods;
* Replaces the default me enpoint
* @param [type] $token [description]
justingreerbbi / Override redirect_uri validation
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
Filter to override WordPress OAuth Server redirect validation or handle comparing redirect with custom logic
* Create cutom redirect validation hook
* NOTE: Since this is a filter the return should be a true or false but as a string. If 'true' is return the redirect_uri
* validation has passed. This example completely overides the redirect_uri validation.
* NOTE: This filter only runs during is a redirect_uri is given in th request
* Prioarity: 10
* Number of Args: 2
// Simple NSDefaults Wrapper
// Created by Justin Greer on 2/27/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Justin Greer Interactive, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
class FCStorage {
justingreerbbi / gist:af44a4e9fa3c97d5e073
Created March 20, 2015 18:04
Override Default Me method and replace it will BuddyPress into
add_filter('wo_endpoints','wo_extend_resource_api', 2);
function wo_extend_resource_api ($methods)
$methods['me'] = array('func'=>'_wo_me');
return $methods;
* Replaces the default me enpoint
justingreerbbi / Extend Resource API
Created October 2, 2015 00:51
Extend Resource API endpoints
add_filter('wo_endpoints','new_hello_endpoint', 2);
function new_hello_endpoint ($methods){
$methods['hello'] = array(
'func'=>'run_hello_method' // Function name to run
'public' => true|false // True to be public
return $methods;
function run_hello_method ($token){
justingreerbbi / only one access_token session
Created October 24, 2015 21:53
Only allow 1 access token session per client
* Only allow 1 acces_token at a time
* @param [type] $results [description]
* @return [type] [description]
function test_only_allow_one_access_token ( $object ) {
if ( is_null( $object ) )
// Define the user ID
justingreerbbi / Custom login redirect
Created November 30, 2015 14:41
Custom login redirect is user is not logged in for WP OAuth Server
function wo_before_authorize_function_login_redirect( $request ){
// Check if the user is logged in or not
wp_redirect( '' );
// Else do nothing and let the server handle the request
justingreerbbi / Table
Created January 19, 2016 17:16
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#666">
<th width="14%" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666" style="color: #FFF" scope="col">Header</th>
<th width="14%" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666" style="color: #FFF" scope="col">Header</th>
<th width="14%" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666" style="color: #FFF" scope="col">Header</th>
<th width="14%" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666" style="color: #FFF" scope="col">Header</th>
<th width="14%" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666" style="color: #FFF" scope="col">Header</th>
<th width="14%" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666" style="color: #FFF" scope="col">Header</th>
<th width="16%" valign="middle" bgcolor="#666" style="color: #FFF" scope="col">Header</th>
* Simple Example of a client calling WordPress OAuth Server
* Replace the variabls below with your own.
* @author Justin Greer <[email protected]>
$server_url = '';
$client_id = '6lkmsGocFcvxVG4S5s3QCHGi5Pvutl8AHtXaalmP';
$client_secret = 'yRntyrmDTquw7bOd0kHuFQ5mj2wtnSjVKGpi8MW2';