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Justin Greer justingreerbbi

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justingreerbbi / remove-taxonomy-from-wp-using-wpdb.php
Created December 18, 2024 11:55
Remove a WordPress Taxonomy using MySQL query and WPDB
global $wpdb;
$taxonomy_name = 'taxonomy_name_goes_here';
"DELETE FROM {$wpdb->terms} AS t
WHERE t.term_id IN (
SELECT tt.term_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt
WHERE tt.taxonomy = '{$taxonomy_name}'
justingreerbbi / gist:75de679f07ee04f5272e578e8fca8fbc
Created October 24, 2024 01:29
Python script to sync two folders for Git and remove sensitive data from source.
# To use this script create a parent directory and two directorys inside it (src & github). Place this file in the parent directory.
# Place your source code in the 'src' directory. When you want to publish, run this script to copy all source files to the github directory and replace sensitive data.
# This way you can run sensitive data in your working copy and the Github version is stripped of sensitive data.
# Be sure to update this snippet to include your find and replace variables.
import shutil
import os
def copy_src_to_github(src, github):
if not os.path.exists(src):
print(f"Source directory {src} does not exist.")
justingreerbbi / gist:9a97bb226fcd7e1390d50bdcc8ee4bc0
Created February 18, 2024 14:25
Return WordPress posts for today or the last day there was posts
global $wpdb;
* Get todays date and the last post date to compare
$query_date = date( 'Y-m-d' );
$last_date = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT DATE(MAX(post_date)) FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' LIMIT 1" );
// Check if the last post is from today or not
if ( $last_date != $query_date ) {
justingreerbbi / SymmetricEncryption.php
Created January 11, 2024 21:07 — forked from joaomvfsantos/SymmetricEncryption.php
Symmetric Encryption in PHP
class SymmetricEncryption {
private $cipher;
public function __construct($cipher = 'aes-256-cbc') {
$this->cipher = $cipher;
justingreerbbi / gist:c520d0a11090c25d86b5770f92e97046
Created October 9, 2023 17:12
Check user role before adding an access token
add_action('wo_set_access_token', 'check_user_before_auth');
function check_user_before_auth( $info ) {
if ( ! isset( $info['user_id'] ) ) {
$user_id = $info['user_id'];
// Do query to checl the
justingreerbbi / gist:5146f5c07e8f24d0e9f315e4b3eaf080
Created September 22, 2022 13:03
PHP M2M CSQ Command Convert to dB and Signal Status
* Breakdown of the RSSI return for AT+CSQ command. The return from the command gives a value that needs to be
* converted in many instances.
* @link
$values = array(
'2' => array(
'dB' => '-109',
'condition' => 'Marginal'
justingreerbbi / gist:e145be304facfc89205d47bdd20301f3
Created March 21, 2022 14:21
.well-known/openid-configuration wpoauth
"issuer": "",
"authorization_endpoint": "",
"token_endpoint": "",
"userinfo_endpoint": "",
"end_session_endpoint": "",
"jwks_uri": "",
"revocation_endpoint": "",
"introspection_endpoint": "",
"registration_endpoint": null,
justingreerbbi / autoexstendtoken.php
Created November 13, 2021 17:12
Increase access token after successful use but X minutes. This is for WordPress OAuth Server. Place this snippet into your themes functions.php file. It taps into the authenticated action WP OAuth Server uses when checking authorization of a call.
* NOTE: This will override any token settings used within the plugin but does allow for active tokens to
* stay active instead of expiring. This is useful for auto deauthentication tht is traditionally handled on the
* client side.
add_action( 'wo_endpoint_user_authenticated', 'wp_oauth_successful_authentication_action' );
function wp_oauth_successful_authentication_action( $token ) {
//$current_expires = $token[0]['expires'];
justingreerbbi / cache.js
Created November 11, 2021 02:45
Titanium Module Cache CommonJS module - Plug n Play - Easy Cache
Titanium Cache Module
Modified By: Justin Greer
Original Author: Joe Maffia
A cache module to be used for Titanium app.
justingreerbbi / gist:720e47f0204d70fa6097e0d6f639df1b
Created September 8, 2021 15:59
Remove OAuth Access Tokens when a user logs out of WordPress
* Remove all OAuth access tokens when a user logs out of the WordPress
* @param $user_id
function wo_example_destroy_authorizations( $user_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->delete( "{$wpdb->prefix}oauth_access_tokens", array( "user_id" => $user_id ) );
$wpdb->delete( "{$wpdb->prefix}oauth_refresh_tokens", array( "user_id" => $user_id ) );