As an NFT owner, you have the right to copy, display, remix, and do other creative things with the character linked to your NFT, with minimal restrictions. Cool! Under this license, you can incorporate your NFT character into physical objects, write fan fiction, and even form creative DAOs. Let us know if you do! We’d love to hear about what you are building!
The license does not give you ownership of the underlying art, brand, or other intellectual property associated with project/publisher organization. Also, while your license is broad and subject to few limitations, you cannot use your NFT character(s) for economic activity that generates more than $50,000 in revenue per 12 months. If you want to engage in this sort of activity, we’re all ears, but please contact us about a commercial license. Finally, you are not allowed to do bad things with your NFT -- illegal, racist, sexist, or homophobic stuff, for example.
The General NFT License below is a legally binding agreement between you an