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MrSwitch / saveAs.js
Created August 31, 2012 13:55
FileSaver window.saveAs shim
// window.saveAs
// Shims the saveAs method, using saveBlob in IE10.
// And for when Chrome and FireFox get round to implementing saveAs we have their vendor prefixes ready.
// But otherwise this creates a object URL resource and opens it on an anchor tag which contains the "download" attribute (Chrome)
// ... or opens it in a new tab (FireFox)
// @author Andrew Dodson
// @copyright MIT, BSD. Free to clone, modify and distribute for commercial and personal use.
window.saveAs || ( window.saveAs = (window.navigator.msSaveBlob ? function(b,n){ return window.navigator.msSaveBlob(b,n); } : false) || window.webkitSaveAs || window.mozSaveAs || window.msSaveAs || (function(){
AvnerCohen /
Last active August 18, 2024 08:34
Node.js - npm Cheat Sheet

Node.js - npm Cheat Sheet

(Full description and list of commands at -

List of less common (however useful) NPM commands

Prepand ./bin to your $PATH

Make sure to export your local $PATH and prepand relative ./node_modules/.bin/:

pklaus /
Last active December 23, 2019 09:51
A Bash script to create a video from series of JPEG images. Ideal to create videos from timed sequences shot with a tripod. It uses mogrify (from imagemagick) to resize the images to FullHD and it then uses ffmpeg to create a video from the sequence of images.
# This is a script to create a video from series of JPEG images
# Call it in a folder full of JPEGs that you want to turn into a video.
# Written on 2013-01-08 by Philipp Klaus <philipp.l.klaus →AT→>.
# Check <> for newer versions.
# Resources
# *
# *
iamatypeofwalrus /
Last active February 21, 2025 18:39
Create an iPython HTML Notebook on Amazon's AWS Free Tier from scratch.


Roll your own iPython Notebook server with Amazon Web Services (EC2) using their Free Tier.

What are we using? What do you need?

  • An active AWS account. First time sign-ups are eligible for the free tier for a year
  • One Micro Tier EC2 Instance
  • With AWS we will use the stock Ubuntu Server AMI and customize it.
  • Anaconda for Python.
  • Coffee/Beer/Time
scy /
Last active November 24, 2024 21:24
Opening and closing an SSH tunnel in a shell script the smart way

Opening and closing an SSH tunnel in a shell script the smart way

I recently had the following problem:

  • From an unattended shell script (called by Jenkins), run a command-line tool that accesses the MySQL database on another host.
  • That tool doesn't know that the database is on another host, plus the MySQL port on that host is firewalled and not accessible from other machines.

We didn't want to open the MySQL port to the network, but it's possible to SSH from the Jenkins machine to the MySQL machine. So, basically you would do something like

ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306 remotehost

vrillusions / config
Created March 13, 2014 22:47
Example of a `~/.ssh/config` file which makes it easier to login to different servers
# ssh(1) obtains configuration data from the following sources in the following order:
# 1. command-line options
# 2. user's configuration file (~/.ssh/config)
# 3. system-wide configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config)
# For each parameter, the first obtained value will be used. The configuration files contain sections separated
# by “Host” specifications, and that section is only applied for hosts that match one of the patterns given in the
# specification. The matched host name is the one given on the command line.
tsiege / The Technical Interview Cheat
Last active March 9, 2025 15:34
This is my technical interview cheat sheet. Feel free to fork it or do whatever you want with it. PLEASE let me know if there are any errors or if anything crucial is missing. I will add more links soon.


I have moved this over to the Tech Interview Cheat Sheet Repo and has been expanded and even has code challenges you can run and practice against!


nitaku /
Last active February 6, 2025 14:38
Minimal JSON HTTP server in python

A minimal HTTP server in python. It sends a JSON Hello World for GET requests, and echoes back JSON for POST requests.

python 8009
Starting httpd on port 8009...
curl http://localhost:8009
{"received": "ok", "hello": "world"}
philippschmitt / countPhotosForGeoLocation
Last active May 13, 2020 22:02
Count all photos that are available on Flickr and Panoramio for a specific geo fence
This script counts all photos that are available on Flickr and Panoramio for a specific geo fence and returns a JSON object with the data.
For convenience it's embedded in a little node.js server so that you can upload it to your server and use it as an API.
Here's an example url with all query attributes prefilled. Please use your own Flickr API key!
The location is the Berlin TV Tower (
Example URL:
xuwang / get-aws-metadata
Last active August 23, 2023 18:40
Utility script to get commonly used AWS instance metadata (e.g., id, role, account, region, security credentials etc.). Just need curl.
# Retrieve AWS instrance's commonly used metadata. Require curl.
# ./get-metadata help
# ./get-metadata id
# Input is case insensitive; format to uppper case to generate self-help page.
roleProfile=$(curl -s \
| grep -Eo 'instance-profile/([a-zA-Z.-]+)' | sed 's#instance-profile/##')