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Mark Moissette kaosat-dev

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// ES6 for loops
// =============
// Things in ES6 can be "iterable". Arrays are iterable by default.
var fruits = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Grape'];
for (var fruit of fruits)
console.log('Fruit: ' + fruit);
kaosat-dev /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19 — forked from brigand/

These macros are designed to provide a literal notation for [immutable-js][1] using [sweetjs][2].

The most interesting being the Map literal

var map = im{"foo": "bar", "baz": "quux"};

This compiles to the 2d array version of Immutable.Map.

kaosat-dev / results.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21 — forked from maxpert/results.txt
lz4 + json
Original tweet size in JSON 2624 Msgpack = 1817 Gzip + Json = 1058 Gzip + Msgpack = 1116 LZ4 + Json = 1628 LZ4 + Msgpack = 1361
Original tweet size in JSON 1863 Msgpack = 1443 Gzip + Json = 0783 Gzip + Msgpack = 0835 LZ4 + Json = 1153 LZ4 + Msgpack = 1040
Original tweet size in JSON 2074 Msgpack = 1670 Gzip + Json = 0842 Gzip + Msgpack = 0894 LZ4 + Json = 1229 LZ4 + Msgpack = 1139
Original tweet size in JSON 2025 Msgpack = 1617 Gzip + Json = 0845 Gzip + Msgpack = 0895 LZ4 + Json = 1238 LZ4 + Msgpack = 1143
Original tweet size in JSON 2069 Msgpack = 1663 Gzip + Json = 0846 Gzip + Msgpack = 0901 LZ4 + Json = 1243 LZ4 + Msgpack = 1164
Original tweet size in JSON 2035 Msgpack = 1634 Gzip + Json = 0852 Gzip + Msgpack = 0907 LZ4 + Json = 1247 LZ4 + Msgpack = 1167
Original tweet size in JSON 1988 Msgpack = 1464 Gzip + Json = 0804 Gzip + Msgpack = 0862 LZ4 + Json = 1220 LZ4 + Msgpack = 1061
Original tweet size in JSON 1910 Msgpack = 1502 Gzip + Json = 0775 Gzip + Msgpack = 0832 LZ4 + Json = 1154 LZ4 + Msgpack = 1060
// ES7 Observables + WHATWG Streams
// Continuation from file:
Observable.fromStream = function(readable) {
return new Observable(function(generator) {
kaosat-dev /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23 — forked from staltz/

The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing

(by @andrestaltz)

So you're curious in learning this new thing called Reactive Programming, particularly its variant comprising of Rx, Bacon.js, RAC, and others.

Learning it is hard, even harder by the lack of good material. When I started, I tried looking for tutorials. I found only a handful of practical guides, but they just scratched the surface and never tackled the challenge of building the whole architecture around it. Library documentations often don't help when you're trying to understand some function. I mean, honestly, look at this:

Rx.Observable.prototype.flatMapLatest(selector, [thisArg])

Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences by incorporating the element's index and then transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence.

kaosat-dev /
Created December 7, 2015 11:04 — forked from bsergean/
offscreen rendering with three.js and headless-gl, in coffee-script

Getting the code

mkdir -p $HOME/src/offscreen_sample # or anywhere you'd like
cd $HOME/src/offscreen_sample
cp package.json and in here

Executing the code

$ npm install # maybe npm start will take care of it but just in case

$ npm start && open out.png

kaosat-dev / 0-ouroboros.js
Created December 10, 2015 11:30 — forked from benjyhirsch/
Inspired by Cycle.js and Motorcycle.js
This is the function doing all the heavy lifting.
It takes a function and returns a stream generated by feeding its output
back into itself as input. (It doesn't start consuming the stream.)
It's basically a pared-down version of that forgets about the
application architecture of separating out a pure main from the effectful
drivers and just resolves a single circularly dependent stream. The other
files just build up more API-compatible versions of from this.
kaosat-dev / gridstyle.css
Created January 1, 2016 07:51 — forked from buzzdecafe/gridstyle.css
sudoku solver
#grid {
border: 1px solid #000;
#grid tr:nth-child(3) td,
#grid tr:nth-child(6) td {
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;

Folder Structure


  • Clear feature ownership
  • Module usage predictibility (refactoring, maintainence, you know what's shared, what's not, prevents accidental regressions, avoids huge directories of not-actually-reusable modules, etc)
kaosat-dev / listening-client.js
Created February 21, 2016 09:53 — forked from johnnyman727/listening-client.js
Simple MQTT Server. Tessel acts as an MQTT client sending temperature data to a host
var mqtt = require('mqtt')
// Make sure to change this to the IP address of your MQTT server
, host = '' // or localhost
client = mqtt.createClient(1883, host, {keepalive: 10000});
// Subscribe to the temperature topic
// When a temperature is published, it will show up here
client.on('message', function (topic, message) {