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Keir Lawson keirlawson

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mathiasbynens /
Last active July 4, 2024 22:36
Web platform status links

Thread Pools

Thread pools on the JVM should usually be divided into the following three categories:

  1. CPU-bound
  2. Blocking IO
  3. Non-blocking IO polling

Each of these categories has a different optimal configuration and usage pattern.

laggardkernel /
Last active October 27, 2024 08:23
Comparison of ZSH frameworks and plugin managers

Comparison of ZSH frameworks and plugin managers


  • update 1: add a FAQ section
  • update 2: benchmark chart and feature comparison table
  • update 3:
    • improve the table with missing features for antigen
    • new zplg times result



As Cats Effect is a runtime system, it ultimately must deal with the problem of how best to execute the programs which are defined using its concrete implementation (IO). Fibers are an incredibly powerful model, but they don't map 1:1 or even 1:n with any JVM or JavaScript construct, which means that some interpretation is required. The fashion in which this is achieved has a profound impact on the performance and elasticity of programs written using IO.

This is true across both the JVM and JavaScript, and while it seems intuitive that JavaScript scheduling would be a simpler problem (due to its single-threaded nature), there are still some significant subtleties which become relevant in real-world applications.


IO programs and fibers are ultimately executed on JVM threads, which are themselves mapped directly to kernel threads and, ultimately (when scheduled), to processors. Determining the optimal method of mapping a real-world, concurrent application down to kernel-level thr