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Riding a scooter

Vasiliy Kevroletin kevroletin

Riding a scooter
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retronym / type-bounds.scala
Created December 16, 2009 11:17
Tour of Scala Type Bounds
class A
class A2 extends A
class B
trait M[X]
// Upper Type Bound
def upperTypeBound[AA <: A](x: AA): A = x
welldan97 / system-wide-clipboard.zsh
Created March 10, 2013 09:51
Zsh copy & paste system wide for OS X, like in emacs
pb-kill-line () {
zle kill-line
echo -n $CUTBUFFER | pbcopy
pb-kill-whole-line () {
zle kill-whole-line
echo -n $CUTBUFFER | pbcopy
Brainiarc7 /
Last active August 18, 2024 02:58
ffmpeg livestreaming to youtube via Nvidia's NVENC and Intel's VAAPI on supported hardware

Streaming your Linux desktop to Youtube and Twitch via Nvidia's NVENC and VAAPI:

Considerations to take when live streaming:

The following best practice observations apply when using a hardware-based encoder for live streaming to any platform:

  1. Set the buffer size (-bufsize:v) equal to the target bitrate (-b:v). You want to ensure that you're encoding in CBR mode.

  2. Set up the encoders as shown:

-- Начинаем с простого язычка
data Expression
= Val Int
| Plus Expression Expression
eval :: Expression -> Int
eval (Val x) = x
eval (Plus x y) = eval x + eval y
# How to consume Github Package private registry with yarn?
Create an .npmrc file in the same location as the package.json with this content.
//<your auth token>