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kingfisher1234 / gist:f0cdadce57856022d0278475b0d39624
Last active March 7, 2021 12:29
Physical mute button for Zoom using an ATTiny85/Digispark and the Micronucleus bootloader to allow programming with the Arduino IDE - PC Version
Thanks to Elliotmade for the inspiration on this project
Refactored by HaxNobody to extend functionalty:
This program will send USB HID keyboard presses to bring the Zoom window into
the foreground and activate microphone and video functions.
* A momentary press on button 1 will toggle mute on or off.
* Press and hold button 1 to activate PTT (Push-to-Talk) functionality.
* Press and hold button 1 to close zoom
kingfisher1234 / gist:caf351bed786f9050e1fa28c3352ded9
Last active January 12, 2022 18:11
Physical mute button for Zoom using an ATTiny85/Digispark and the Micronucleus bootloader to allow programming with the Arduino IDE - Mac Version
Thanks to Elliotmade for the inspiration on this project
Refactored by HaxNobody to extend functionalty
This program will send USB HID keyboard presses to bring the Zoom window into
the foreground and activate microphone and video functions.
* A momentary press on button 1 will toggle mute on or off.
* Press and hold button 1 to close zoom (Zoom Needs to be in focus on a Mac (Or you will close a different window)).