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export class Events {
config: Config; // Configuration of this component (mainly UI stuff)
currentUser: User; // User is needed to fetch his event list
events: Event[]; // Event list
eventsCount: number; // Number of events
searchedEvents: Event[]; // List of search results
userUuid: string; // UUID of current user
<div id="module-events">
<div ng-show="!$ctrl.config.isLoaded">
<div class="spinner">Loading...</div>
<div ng-show="$ctrl.config.isLoaded && !$">
<!-- No events -->
<div ng-show="$ctrl.eventsCount === 0">
No events for you.
export class EventsActions {
private ActionTypes: ActionTypes, // List of actions we can do in our app
private Dispatcher: FluxDispatcher, // Dispatcher from vendor
private API: API,
private Reporter: Reporter, // New Relic or stuff
private Notifications: Notifications,
private ngDialog: Dialog
) {
* ListStore is our custom implementation of general Store,
* which handles manipulation with collections. List store also
* extends the EventEmitter, so it can notify the views about
* its change.
export class EventsStore extends ListStore<Event> {
private config: Config;
// The original AngularJs application
const ngModule = angular.module('admin', [
// We are leaving all the old module untouched
// We can downgrade Components, Directives, Services, etc.
// And use them in the AngularJs app
<div id="module-events">
<div *ngIf="!config.isLoaded">
<div class="spinner">Loading...</div>
<div *ngIf="config.isLoaded && !">
<!-- No events -->
<div *ngIf="eventsCount === 0">
No events for you.
selector: 'events',
templateUrl: './events.component.html'
export class EventsComponent implements OnDestroy, OnInit {
events: Event[]; // Event list
private eventsSub: Subscription;
export const DELETE_EVENT = '[Events] DELETE_EVENT';
export const SELECT_EVENT = '[Events] SELECT_EVENT';
export const RESET = '[Events] RESET';
export class DeleteEvent implements Action {
readonly type = DELETE_EVENT;
constructor(public payload: PayloadEvent) { }
export class SelectEvent implements Action {
export class EvnetsEffects implements RegisterEffects {
// Effects would not work by default in the hybrid application,
// therefore we need to preload them during the bootstrap of our app.
// See: app.module.ts and app.effects.ts examples.
deleteEvent$: Observable<EventsActions.All> = this.actions$
export function reducer(state: EventsState = initialState, action: Action): EventsState {
switch (action.type) {
case EventsActions.UPDATE: {
// Clone the oridinal state to be sure, not to update the object reference
const newState = cloneDeep(state); = action.payload;
return newState;
case EventsActions.RESET: {
return cloneDeep(initialState);