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Kristopher Micinski kmicinski

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#lang racket
;; CIS352 -- Feb 25, 2025
;; How do you calculate the transitive closure of a graph given using
;; the layout we've discussed?
;; Let's define a function `(step gr)`, which take a graph as
#lang racket
;; Algebraic Data II
;; CIS352 2/6/25
;; Note: for this lecture I am transliterating some very nice
;; notes from
;; (written by Abhiroop Sarkar)
#lang racket
;; 0 argument function which calls itself
;; (with zero arguments...)
(define (loop) (loop))
(if #t 42 (loop))
;; if cannot be a function, because if it were,
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
type Clause = Vec<i32>;
type Clauses = HashSet<Clause>;
type Trail = Vec<TrailEntry>;
type Assignment = HashMap<i32, bool>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum TrailEntry {
fn run(clauses: &Clauses) {

let mut state = DpllState::Running(Vec::new(), Assignment::new(), clauses.clone()); loop {

match &state {
DpllState::Unsat => {
println!("UNSAT"); break;

} DpllState::Sat(trail) => {

println!("SAT {:?}", trail);
kmicinski / dpll.rkt
Last active November 15, 2024 11:52
;; Traditional Abstract DPLL (no clause learning)
;; See this paper:
#lang racket
(define (clause? cl)
(match cl
[`(,(? integer? x) ...) #t]
[_ #f]))
#lang racket
;; Direct style
(define (filter f l)
(match l
['() '()]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (if (f hd) (cons hd (filter f tl)) (filter f tl))]))
;; Tail recursive version
(define (filter-tl f l)
kmicinski / p1-more-practice.rkt
Created August 31, 2024 18:04
More practice for Project 1 in CIS352
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; CIS352 (Fall '24) Racket Warmup
(define (square x) (* x x))
;; return the Euclidian distance between x0,y0 and x1,y1
(define (euclid-distance x0 y0 x1 y1)
kmicinski / post1.rkt
Created May 11, 2024 23:10
Modern Deduction: Post 1
;; Relational algebra
#lang racket
(define relation? symbol?)
(define atom? symbol?) ;; atomic lits are symbols
;; variables must be explicitly tagged, not 'x, but '(var x)
(define (var? x) (match x [`(var ,(? symbol? x)) #t] [_ #f]))
(define (var-or-atom? x) (or (atom? x) (var? x)))
;; Challenge: find all the bugs in this small functional compiler
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define verbose-mode (make-parameter #t))
(define i-am-a-mac (make-parameter #f))
;; Our compiler will have several layers