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Andrew Bauer knight-of-ni

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knight-of-ni / zmtrigger_wifimanager.ino
Last active January 23, 2016 22:29
ESP8266 WiFiManager
* ESP8266_zmtrigger
* Date of Last Revision: Jan 16, 2015
* Andrew Bauer [email protected]
* Upon activation of GPIO2, this sketch sends a user defined command to a ZoneMinder
* server running zmtrigger on port 6802.
* Credit goes to Alex a.k.a. tzapu for his awesome WiFiManager class!
knight-of-ni / esp8266_zmtrigger.c
Last active October 1, 2018 12:36
Minimal Approach for an ESP8266 trigger
* ESP8266_zmtrigger
* Date of Last Revision: Jan 14, 2015
* Upon activation of GPIO2, this sketch sends a user defined command to a ZoneMinder
* server running zmtrigger on port 6802.
knight-of-ni / OnDemandConfigPortal.ino
Created January 30, 2016 15:21
WiFiManager OnDemand Portal with web server
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> //
//needed for library
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h> //
#define GPIO0 0
#define GPIO2 2
knight-of-ni / netcat.txt
Created January 31, 2016 18:25
NetCat PTZ Data Wireshark Data
// The words SEND and RECEIVE were added by me to keep track of the direction
// SEND -> data sent to the Netcat camera
// RECEIVE -> data recevied from the Netcat camera
SEND: 9Xd'hxE-v@S"[%Pd{ "EncryptType" : "MD5", "LoginType" : "DVRIP-Web", "PassWord" : "ORsEWe7l", "UserName" : "admin" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEg@@S"[&#PO{ "AliveInterval" : 21, "ChannelNum" : 1, "DeviceType " : "IPC", "ExtraChannel" : 0, "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x00000018" }
SEND: 9Xd'hxEr-w@S"[&#P6{ "Name" : "SystemInfo", "SessionID" : "0x00000018" }
RECEIVE: 'hx9XdEi@@S"[&mPI{ "Name" : "SystemInfo", "Ret" : 100, "SessionID" : "0x18", "SystemInfo" : { "AlarmInChannel" : 2, "AlarmOutChannel" : 1, "AudioInChannel" : 1, "BuildTime" : "2015-09-11 17:25:08", "CombineSwitch" : 0, "DeviceRunTime" : "0x00000A94", "DigChannel" : 0, "EncryptVersion" : "Unknown", "ExtraChannel" : 0, "HardWare" : "N51820L", "HardWareVersion" : "Unknown", "SerialNo" : "d4f6eef9ffc895b7", "SoftWareVersion" : "V4.02.R11.00001906.10010.230100", "TalkInChannel" : 1, "
perl -e 'use POSIX qw(uname); my @uname = uname(); foreach (@uname) { print $_,"\n"; }'
knight-of-ni / gist:e944c47a5cfdfe71cf68d3ac2366afe2
Created December 27, 2016 17:35
rpmlint output on zoneminder 1.30.1 rpm/srpm
[abauer@vFedora25 x86_64]$ rpmlint zoneminder-1.30.1-1.fc25.src.rpm
zoneminder.src: W: invalid-url Source0: ZoneMinder-1.30.1.tar.gz
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 1 warnings.
[abauer@vFedora25 x86_64]$ rpmlint zoneminder-1.30.1-1.fc25.x86_64.rpm
zoneminder.x86_64: E: non-readable /etc/zm/zm.conf 640
zoneminder.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/zoneminder/www/cambozola.jar ../../java/cambozola.jar
zoneminder.x86_64: E: explicit-lib-dependency libcurl
zoneminder.x86_64: E: explicit-lib-dependency libjpeg-turbo
knight-of-ni / gist:cf2e4e2169ed8d4147b6367d6a60a843
Last active December 28, 2016 15:20
newest zoneminder rpm spec file
%global zmuid_final apache
%global zmgid_final apache
# In some cases older distros do not have this macro defined
%{!?make_build: %global make_build %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} }
%if "%{zmuid_final}" == "nginx"
%global with_nginx 1
%global wwwconfdir /etc/nginx/default.d
knight-of-ni / gist:87962ab97a6ffbc139083b07d0522231
Created December 28, 2016 14:11
email discussion w/ Fedora concerning future of zoneminder package
I just read the process on their web page:
If you would like, I could help sponsor you for *Fedora* packaging
because it seems it will be beneficial for RPMFusion too. They both
use the same set of guidelines and process/tools for the most part.
[abauer@bauerhaus ~]$ rpm -qR zoneminder