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knutole / docker-compose.yml
Created May 30, 2017 20:17 — forked from volkanunsal/docker-compose.yml
docker-postgis setup with streaming replication
image: mdillon/postgis:9.3
- '5432:5432'
- /import_data
- ./postgis/
- ./postgis:/tmp/postgresql
restart: always
knutole /
Created October 6, 2016 12:45 — forked from rclark/
Leaflet WMS + GetFeatureInfo

There are a bunch of reasons why this is convoluted, mostly in building the URL to make the request:

  1. You have to rely on an AJAX request, this example uses jQuery
  2. To make a GetFeatureInfo request, you must provide a BBOX for a image, and the pixel coordinates for the part of the image that you want info from. A couple of squirrely lines of Leaflet code can give you that.
  3. Output formats. The info_format parameter in the request. We don't know a priori which will be supported by a WMS that we might make a request to. See Geoserver's docs for what formats are available from Geoserver. That won't be the same from WMS to WMS, however.
  4. WMS services return XML docs when there's a mistake in the request or in processing. This sends an HTTP 200, which jQuery doesn't think is an error.