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koenrh /
Created July 8, 2019 15:41
This is a little guide that helps you to "proxify" a VMware Fusion virtual machine on macOS. This can be useful if you want to isolate and analyse web traffic to/from an application by running it in a VM.

Proxifying a VMware Fusion virtual machine on macOS

This is a little guide that helps you to "proxify" a VMware Fusion virtual machine on macOS. This can be useful if you want to isolate and analyse web traffic to/from an application by running it in a VM.


  • VMware Fusion 11 Pro
  • Transparent HTTP/HTTPS proxy (e.g. Burp Suite Pro or mitmproxy)
koenrh /
Last active August 12, 2024 16:00
Running Hashcat on Google Cloud's new GPU-based VMs

Running Hashcat on Google Cloud's GPU-based VMs

In February 2017, Google announced the availability GPU-based VMs. I spun up a few of these instances, and ran some benchmarks. Along the way, I wrote down the steps taken to provision these VM instances, and install relevant drivers.

Update April 2019: Updated instructions to use instances with the Tesla T4 GPUs.

How to flush the OCSP cache


  1. Open
  2. Copy the following line and hit Enter.
  • sqlite3 ~/Library/Keychains/*/ocspcache.sqlite3 'DELETE FROM ocsp;'


koenrh /
Last active March 19, 2019 10:04
Run bundle-audit on all repositories in your GitHub organisations. Requires jsawk and bundler-audit.
bundle-audit update
for repo in $(curl -s -H "Authorization: token $token" "$gh_repos_url" | jsawk -n 'out('); do
| | | | HTTPS | Secure | |
| Naam | Host | HTTPS | default | sessie-cookie | Opmerking(en) |
| Algemeen Dagblad | | nee | nee | JA | alleen login (via |
| AT5 | | nee | nee | nee | wachtwoord over HTTP |
| Blendle | | JA | JA | JA | |
| BNR | | nee | nee | - | wachtwoord over HTTP, sessie-id in query string |
koenrh /
Created April 29, 2014 22:59

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am koenrh on github.
  • I am koen ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2DF9 C434 0486 A4A2 7073 CDE8 D049 F80B 2020 3178

To claim this, I am signing this object:

koenrh /
Last active January 2, 2016 13:19
Cancellations RSA Conference 2014

RSA Conference 2014: cancellations

List of people who have cancelled either their session (e.g. talk, panel participation or seminar) at RSA Conference 2014.

Date Name Job title More info
2014-01-20 Roel Schouwenberg Senior Researcher, Kaspersky Lab Tweet
2014-01-09 Jim Manico Global Board Member, OWASP and VP of Security Architecture, WhiteHat Security Tweet
2014-01-09 Eoin Keary Global Board Member, OWASP and Director, BBC Risk Advisory Tweet
2014-01-07 Chris Palmer Software Security Engineer, Google [Tweet](https://twitte
koenrh / most-recent-svn-tag.ps1
Last active December 17, 2015 20:19
While working on continuous integration, I needed the name of the most recently created tag in a Subversion repository. So I wrote a little PowerShell script that would find the name for me by looking in the Subversion log.
[string]$Url = "svn://my.repo.url",
[string]$Username = "krouwhorst",
[string]$Password = "secret"
Function Get-SubversionLog {
([xml](svn log $Url --xml --verbose --username $Username --password $Password)).log.logentry | ForEach {
$item = $_
$_.paths.path | ForEach {