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koichiro / coincheck_market_price.10s.rb
Last active December 6, 2020 09:14 — forked from moyashi/coincheck_market_price.10s.rb
Coincheck Market Price
# <bitbar.title>Coincheck Market Price</bitbar.title>
# <bitbar.version>v1.0</bitbar.version>
# <>koichiro</>
# <>koichiro</>
# <bitbar.desc>Test</bitbar.desc>
# <bitbar.image></bitbar.image>
require 'open-uri'
koichiro /
Last active May 9, 2018 04:21

RubyKaigi 2018が仙台の国際センターで開催されるということでせっかくなので仙台近郊のオススメスポットを紹介します。

  • 仙台市内観光
  • 周遊バスにのると主要な観光スポットを全部まわれます
  • 晩翠草堂
require 'nokogiri'
require 'trello'
Trello.configure do |config|
config.developer_public_key = "PUBLIC_KEY"
config.member_token = "TOKEN"
def issue_tracking doc
r = []
koichiro@lordbritish ~ % ruby bc.rb to_sym.rb
# to_sym.rb
# "hoge".to_sym
== disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:<compiled>@<compiled>>==========
0000 trace 1 ( 1)
0002 putstring "hoge"
0004 opt_send_simple <callinfo!mid:to_sym, argc:0, ARGS_SKIP>
0006 leave
koichiro / ddl.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Groonga::Schema.create_table("users") do |t|
t.integer "id"
t.short_text "uid"
t.short_text "name"
t.short_text "email"
t.short_text "real_name"
t.short_text "business_name"
t.short_text "kana_name"
t.short_text "display_name"
t.text "profile"
# "\x34AC23"
def hex2bin s
s = s[2, s.length]
raise "Not a valid hex string" unless(s =~ /^[\da-fA-F]+$/)
r = s.scan(/../).map{ |b| b.to_i(16) }.pack('C*')
cookbook 'build-essential'
cookbook 'openssl'
cookbook 'mysql',
:git => '',
:branch => 'mysql56'
filename=mysql-`date +%Y%m%d`
mysqldump --opt --password=pass -h host -P 3306 -u user database > $archive_path/$filename.sql
gzip $archive_path/$filename.sql
# Source code embedded plugin for tDiary.
# Original Copyright (C) 2005 bashi <>
# Modified Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Koichiro Ohba <[email protected]>
# License under GPL2.
require 'langscan'
module LangScan
def self.choose_by_abbrev(hint)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require 'ffi'
module POSIX
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib 'c'
attach_function :sysctl, [ :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :size_t ], :int
attach_function :sysctlnametomib, [:string, :pointer, :pointer], :int