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KP kporangehat

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kporangehat /
Created August 4, 2012 01:23
Example: Handling Shotgun ActionMenuItem calls
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The values sent by the Action Menu Item are in the form of a GET request that is similar to the
format: myCoolProtocol://doSomethingCool?user_id=24&user_login=shotgun&title=All%20Versions&...
shot_pipeline_tt = {'type': 'TaskTemplate', 'id':8}
shot_pipeline_tt_tasks = sg.find('Task', [['task_template', 'is', shot_pipeline_tt]])
print "%s Template Tasks" % len(shot_pipeline_tt_tasks)
kporangehat / gist:3892785
Created October 15, 2012 14:34
Find all Tasks for 'myshot' that were created from TaskTemplate shot_pipeline_tt
shot_pipeline_tt = {'type': 'TaskTemplate', 'id':8}
myshot = {'type': 'Shot', 'id': 1680}
filters = [
['entity', 'is', myshot],
['template_task.Task.task_template', 'is', shot_pipeline_tt]
result = sg.find('Task', filters, ['content'])
scp /some/path/client_dbs/com_shotgunstudio_someclient-pgsql-20121027-173252-v4.1.4-r37048.sql.gz [email protected]:/home/shotgun/
ssh [email protected]
cd shotgun_deploy
vi settings/vm_shotgun_client_test.rb
# edit the :repository line to match the version of code you want to deploy with this db.
# Usually it will match the current version of the db file, so in this case:
# set :repository, ""
# save the file
kporangehat / gist:4588193
Last active December 11, 2015 10:38
Shotgun production log format


The production log can be useful for installed clients who want to monitor, diagnose, or report on the granular usage of Shotgun. Because the production log is a log file located on the Shotgun server itself, this is only available for installed clients.

This format may change without warning
This format may (and probably will) change from time to time as we adjust and tweak the output to better match the needs of our clients. Please keep this in mind if you write tools for parsing, etc. We will make every attempt to keep this document up to date, but changes might not be documented immediately. So rely on this at your own peril ;)

General Log Format

# Takes 2 PermissionRuleSet code values and does a comparison of all
# entity-level and field-level rules.
# The diff is calculated by running PermissionRuleSet.allow? on each
# type of rule and storing the result in a hash for that ruleset. Then
# a diff is run on the two tables to generate the result.
# If a field is missing on the current instance, the call to allow? should
# still return the correct result as if the field existed. Missing fields
# are designated with an * before the field name. The ruleset that references
kporangehat / method_perms.rb
Last active December 28, 2015 05:39
# ----------
# Admin (admin)
# API Admin (api_admin)
# Manager (manager)
# Artist (artist)
# Admin Defaults (admin_system_default)
# Script Defaults (api_admin_system_default)
# Manager Defaults (manager_system_default)
# Artist Defaults (artist_system_default)
kporangehat / 0_reuse_code.js
Created March 9, 2016 21:59
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
kporangehat /
Last active March 10, 2016 21:47
This is an error I received in the `mitmproxy` event log while running a python script to connect to our server over `HTTPS`.


This is an error I received in the mitmproxy event log while running a python script to connect to our server over HTTPS. The script uses httplib2 (we need to support old Python versions :/).

Issue details
  • Python 2.7.10 (using pyenv)
  • OS X 10.11
  • ssl module compiled against OpenSSL v0.9.8zg
  • HTTPS connection fails with the following error from the event log in mitmproxy
kporangehat /
Created March 15, 2016 00:42
Shotgun Toolkit register_publish() example
Bootstrap script to use for registering a publish. Includes authentication and assumes file
is already in the correct location in the directory structure and is named correctly to match
an appropriate template.
import sys
# Append path to your studio core location so sgtk can be imported. If you don't have a studio
# core, you can use the project-specific core location for the files you're publishing.
import sgtk