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Kresten Krab Thorup krestenkrab

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// Representation of int32
class EInt32 extends EObject {
static final long MIN_INT = Integer.MIN_VALUE, MAX_LONG=Long.MAX_VALUE;
int value;
ENumber plus(EObject rhs) { return rhs.r_plus(value); }
ENumber r_plus(int lhs) {
long ret = lhs + this.value;
if(((ret + MIN_INT) & MAX_LONG) <= 0xFFFFFFFFL)
return new EInt32((int)ret);
The Erjang/OTP shell in action!
(For some reason it does not print the prompt; don't let yourself be confused by that).
krab$ ./
Eshell V5.7.3 (abort with ^G)
erlang:display("hello world!").
"hello world!"
## Erjang session trying to compile a simple erlang file (see foo.erl below).
## The good news is, that the compiler (erlc hosten on erjang) runs, and the
## failure happens not during compilation but when the eshell command c("foo")
## tries to load the resulting beam file. That's a substantial chunk of erlang
## code running there.
## The bad news is that the written beam file is pretty bogus. Most likely has
## to do with bug(s) in binary assembly, or iolist() handling somewhere.
krab$ cat > foo.erl
main() -> version1.
krab$ ./
Eshell V5.7.3 (abort with ^G)
1> c("foo").
Krestens-MacBook-Pro:erjang krab$ java -jar erjang-0.1.jar
Eshell V5.7.3 (abort with ^G)
1> {ok,P} = prim_inet:open(tcp).
2> prim_inet:close(P).
Eshell V5.7.3 (abort with ^G)
1> {ok,P} = inet_tcp:connect({74,125,79,104},80,[]).
2> V1 = inet:send(P, "GET /\n").
3> process_info(self(), messages).
"HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\nLocation:\r\nCache-Control: private\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\nSet-Cookie: PREF=ID=343fdb84f9eb331b:TM=1270640853:LM=1270640853:S=AaVxF7QpxV4CDNz1; expires=Fri, 06-Apr-2012 11:47:33 GMT; path=/;\r\nSet-Cookie: NID=33=tEmot8xGMHKZa-gsccbD7tDiXpsHaC24bKm7tSBYgdomt_nceXViDrTzEIn4eosoj7qhYAXVPYr7u60vKjW0UdE-FYN9sP3UmOz89XnvoY8qeVJu5ewjnMgKdmjB7uw8; expires=Thu, 07-Oct-2010 11:47:33 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly\r\nDate: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 11:47:33 GMT\r\nServer: gws\r\nContent-Length: 218\r\n\r\n<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\">\n<TITLE>302 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n<H1>302 Moved</H1>\nThe document has moved\n<A HREF=\"\">here</A>.\r\n</BODY
## LOG OF BEAM SESSION [with erl_dist debug output]
pc-226:~ krab$ /sw/bin/erl -name beam
Erlang R13B02 (erts-5.7.3) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
## This does " init ! { self(), get_arguments } " to remote Erlang VM.
Eshell V5.7.3 (abort with ^G)
%% First complete ETS test suite run, with 37% success.
pc-226:test_server krab$ java -d64 -server -Xss100m -da -jar ../erjang-0.1.jar -home $HOME
Eshell V5.7.3 (abort with ^G)
1> ts:run(ets).
*** Running [ets_SUITE,default]
EStone test completed
**** CPU speed 2.53 GHz ****
**** Total time 4.275705 seconds ****
**** ESTONES = 142351 ****
Title Millis Estone % Loops
list manipulation 142 10681 7 6400
small messages 821 3773 10 1515
medium messages 1008 6025 14 1527
krestenkrab / gist:835365
Created February 19, 2011 21:09
Do you know a nice private cottage for a vacation in Norway or Sweden?

Do you know a nice private cottage for a vacation in Norway or Sweden?

We're looking to go on vacation somewhere in Norway or Sweden in July, hoping that someone in my network can help us out. We will be 6 people, we would like some place remote in nature at a lake or beach with access to a boat the family can use for day trips. Good easy hikes/walks in the area would be nice. It is perfectly fine if it so remote that we have to bring food for a week.

If you have been a place like this, let me know.


Kresten & Family