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// Just before switching jobs:
// Add one of these.
// Preferably into the same commit where you do a large merge.
// This started as a tweet with a joke of "C++ pro-tip: #define private public",
// and then it quickly escalated into more and more evil suggestions.
// I've tried to capture interesting suggestions here.
// Contributors: @r2d2rigo, @joeldevahl, @msinilo, @_Humus_,
// @YuriyODonnell, @rygorous, @cmuratori, @mike_acton, @grumpygiant,

[Various details redacted.]

I'm currently about to start a Geography degree at the University of [Redacted] at [Redacted] with a focus in GIS, and I've been finding that I have an interest in working with imagery. Obviously I should take Remote Sensing and other similar classes, but I'm the type of person who likes to self learn as well. So my question is this: What recommendations would you give to a student who is interested in working with imagery? Are there any self study paths that you could recommend?

I’m self-taught myself, and there are a lot of important topics in GIS that I don’t know anything about, so I can’t give comprehensive advice. I haven’t arrived anywhere; I’m just ten minutes ahead in the convoy we’re both in. Take these recommendations critically.

Find interesting people. You’ll learn a lot more from a great professor (or mentor, or friend, or tutorial) talking about something outside your specialty than you will from someone boring who’s working on exactly what you’re interested in.

krmaxwell /
Created January 3, 2014 22:25 — forked from windytan/
# Oona Räisänen 2013
@emoji = qw( 🌀 🌂 🌅 🌈 🌙 🌞 🌟 🌠 🌰 🌱 🌲 🌳 🌴 🌵 🌷 🌸
🌹 🌺 🌻 🌼 🌽 🌾 🌿 🍀 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍄 🍅 🍆 🍇 🍈
🍉 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍍 🍎 🍏 🍐 🍑 🍒 🍓 🍔 🍕 🍖 🍗 🍘
🍜 🍝 🍞 🍟 🍠 🍡 🍢 🍣 🍤 🍥 🍦 🍧 🍨 🍩 🍪 🍫
🍬 🍭 🍮 🍯 🍰 🍱 🍲 🍳 🍴 🍵 🍶 🍷 🍸 🍹 🍺 🍻
🍼 🎀 🎁 🎂 🎃 🎄 🎅 🎈 🎉 🎊 🎋 🎌 🎍 🎎 🎏 🎒
🎓 🎠 🎡 🎢 🎣 🎤 🎥 🎦 🎧 🎨 🎩 🎪 🎫 🎬 🎭 🎮
🎯 🎰 🎱 🎲 🎳 🎴 🎵 🎷 🎸 🎹 🎺 🎻 🎽 🎾 🎿 🏀
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Script written to pull IP data from openIOC and search Splunk.
use strict;
use warnings;
ai. 14170 IN MX 10 ;; Anguilla
as. 21371 IN MX 10 ;; American Samoa
as. 21371 IN MX 10 ;; American Samoa
bj. 86176 IN MX 20 ;; Benin
cf. 3379 IN MX 10 ;; Central African Republic
dj. 345488 IN MX 5 ;; Djibouti
krmaxwell / 0_reuse_code.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console

If you were to give recommendations to your "little brother/sister" on things that they need to do to become a data scientist, what would those things be?

I think the "Data Science Venn Diagram" ( is a great place to start. You need three things to be a good data scientist:

  • Statistical knowledge
  • Programming/hacking skills
  • Domain expertise

Statistical knowledge

krmaxwell / gist:15e012372913233cce91
Created February 3, 2016 01:33 — forked from atcuno/gist:3425484ac5cce5298932
HowTo: Privacy & Security Conscious Browsing

The purpose of this document is to make recommendations on how to browse in a privacy and security conscious manner. This information is compiled from a number of sources, which are referenced throughout the document, as well as my own experiences with the described technologies.

I welcome contributions and comments on the information contained. Please see the How to Contribute section for information on contributing your own knowledge.

Table of Contents

krmaxwell / into_the_odd.css
Created February 24, 2019 20:30 — forked from Lexaire/into_the_odd.css
Roll20 Character Sheet for Into the Odd
.repitem {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 3px;
justify-content: space-between;
.sheet-ability-value, .sheet-ability-button {
display: inline-block !important;
.sheet-flex-between {