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Kumar Shubham krshubham

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krshubham / gist:eb1dee793e261cd43eef43beb288fe50
Created September 11, 2016 10:40
A solution to common Angular error [$injector:modulerr]
Recently I was also stuck with this error and was very much disturbed because of this.
Some steps which according to me , you should not forget when including a service in your angular app:
The first part is to use angular.js unminified file which gives you readable errors which you can at least read and try to figure out
what's happening.In my case, I forgot to mention my service in index.html which gave me this error.
1) Add the exact name of the module(factory, service or provider) in the core module of the app. For example:
var app = angular.module('codeslam', [
krshubham / GsoC-summary
Created August 27, 2017 17:23
Summary of working under Google Summer of Code 2017 @Teem
# GSoC'17 summary: Third party integrations and extension of some features, Teem
### Kumar Shubham | [website]( | [twitter]( | [github]( | [email](mailto:[email protected])
## Introduction
I'd like to first start by thanking my mentor [Antonio](, who was so friendly that I never felt like I was talking to someone who is senior to me. Whatever I have done wouldn't have been possible without our daily meetings, which were scheduled to be for 5 minutes but often we discussed things for more than 30 minutes! After working this summer I can say that I have got a good knowledge of how things go in a large codebase and how we should contribute in open source projects! I also got to know some quite details about javascript and also got to work with docker!. In short, it was a wonderful experience!
*I also made a presentation that will give you a slight introduction to what things I did du

GSoC'17 summary: Third party integrations and extension of some features, Teem

Kumar Shubham | website | twitter | github | email


I'd like to first start by thanking my mentor Antonio, who was so friendly that I never felt like I was talking to someone who is senior to me. Whatever I have done wouldn't have been possible without our daily meetings, which were scheduled to be for 5 minutes but often we discussed things for more than 30 minutes! After working this summer I can say that I have got a good knowledge of how things go in a large codebase and how we should contribute in open source projects! I also got to know some quite details about javascript and also got to work with docker!. In short, it was a wonderful experience!

*I also made a presentation that will give you a slight introduction to what things I did du

krshubham /
Created January 3, 2021 12:14
Togetherness of a family PoD solution
import math
# Number of people
n = int(input())
tokens = [] # For storing tokens
tree = [] # For storing adjacency list in tree, check for more
result = [] # For storing the results
#Slightly improved logic to check if a number is prime or not
def isPrime(number):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
int n;
// Take the input for n, number of strings
scanf("%d", &n);
char strings_given[50][100];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {