下の1文で ≤-trans
open DecTotalOrder decTotalOrder using () renaming (trans to ≤-trans)
レコード型のあるフィールドにアクセスするためには 型名.射影関数 そのレコード型の値
open import Data.Nat
import 'dart:io'; | |
import 'dart:convert'; | |
import 'package:args/args.dart'; | |
// read bytes into integer in little endian | |
getBytes(List<int> bytes, int offset, int length) { | |
int res = 0; | |
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { | |
res += bytes[i + offset] << (i * 8); | |
} |
本アプリでは、個人情報は収集しません。 | |
This app does not collect private information. |
module scratch where | |
open import Data.Nat | |
open import Data.Product | |
open import Relation.Nullary | |
postulate Dom : Set | |
Formula : ℕ → Set₁ | |
Formula zero = Set |
(* 演繹(論理式列)をツリーで表現する型 *) | |
type prop = | |
| Arg of int (* i番目の前提 *) | |
| App of prop * prop (* MP *) | |
| Axm of string (* 公理 *) | |
(* 演繹定理の(⇐)に相当する*) | |
let rec reduce_one = function | |
| Arg x -> | |
if x = 0 |
open import Function | |
open import Data.Empty | |
open import Data.Nat | |
open import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple | |
open import Data.Nat.Divisibility | |
open import Data.Sum | |
open import Data.Product | |
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality | |
open import Induction.Nat | |
open import Induction.WellFounded |
(defvar systemf-mode-syntax-table nil "Syntax table for systemf mode.") | |
(setq systemf-mode-syntax-table | |
(let ((syn-table (make-syntax-table))) | |
(modify-syntax-entry ?\/ ". 14" syn-table) | |
(modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" syn-table) | |
syn-table)) | |
(defface systemf-lock-governing-face | |
'((t (:foreground "black" :weight bold))) |
/* --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- */ | |
Pair = lambda X. lambda Y. All R. (X -> Y -> R) -> R; | |
pair = lambda X. | |
lambda Y. | |
lambda x: X. | |
lambda y: Y. | |
lambda R. | |
lambda p: X -> Y -> R. |
下の1文で ≤-trans
open DecTotalOrder decTotalOrder using () renaming (trans to ≤-trans)
レコード型のあるフィールドにアクセスするためには 型名.射影関数 そのレコード型の値
open import Data.Nat
module InfiniteChain where | |
-- http://adam.chlipala.net/cpdt/html/GeneralRec.html#noBadChains in Agda | |
open import Induction.WellFounded | |
open import Relation.Nullary | |
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality | |
record Stream (A : Set) : Set where | |
coinductive |
module tapl8 where | |
open import Relation.Nullary | |
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality | |
open import Data.Product | |
open import Data.Sum | |
open import Data.Star | |
open import Data.Empty | |
infix 5 if_then_else_ |