Every so often, you may find yourself needing to preserve a website in its current state. Whether this is in advance of a significant website change, general documentation, or the possibility that the site needs to be taken offline, it is a good idea to archive the site so that it is navigable locally and without the need for a server.
Introducing HTTrack
HTTrack Website Copier will do just that, download a website to a local directory, build all the directories, get HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer.
HTTrack has a GUI for Windows that works really well: http://www.httrack.com . You can also use this tool from the command line. See the following steps to archive websites using the HTTrack command line tools.
MacOS Installation:
First, you will need to install HTTrack locally. On macOS, https://brew.sh/ is the package manager of choice (as opposed to MacPorts). Homebrew is simpler to set up but does require you