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J Wylie Woodcock kulicuu

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kulicuu /
Created June 8, 2024 17:03
Bushcraft (sort of) Heater, some notes from a brainstorm

June 8, 2024:

I love camping. Including in the snow, winter. It can be deadly. I don't know what will ultimately kill me, but it could be a mistake in the wilderness leading to hypothermia. Camping is no joke. Experience teaches that the marketing gloss of the specialized equipment is oriented towards the oversocialized overcivilized 'decadent'; the equipment is designed for small forays, then escape back into the hamster pod life. The sophisticated equipment breaks down after short expeditions, even true expedition gear is only designed to last for the expedition/operation. Bushcraft is the response to these absurdities. Being able to live sustainably in the wilderness with robust tools like an axe, one can survive the inevitible breakdown of the fancy tent, the fancy bedding, and the fancy sleeping bag. None of these by the way can survive the only source of heat == survival in the winter, the bonfire. By the way, bushcrafters cutting by axe for survival in the winter will not destroy forests,

kulicuu /
Last active June 3, 2024 01:34
Thunderbolt 2025

...would a drone a10 make sense? not in the sense that it would violate the principle of distribution (so as to present minimal target profiles). modern precision weapons lethal to any platform and many subterranean structures motivates the principle of distribution of larger platforms into smaller ones. so a battlecruiser becomes a few destroyers, which may themselves become a few frigates, corvettes and so on. because these smaller boats can carry the modern equivalent of the Yamato's 18 inch rounds; at the same time, the cost of a hit (and destruction of vessel) can be ameliorated by distribution of those rounds to multiple vessels (targets). Submariners perhaps apocryphally referred to all surface ships as "targets". John Keegan agreed, in a book I read as a teenager, atm I forget the name. It's the one with four battles and analyses of these four: Trafalgar, Jutland, Battle of the Atlantic, and maybe Midway. It's kind of arbitrary and I don't hold Keegan or Kennedy (Paul, "Rise and Fall

kulicuu / p_200.js
Created October 3, 2022 02:51
Quick sketch code spiral output matrix...
const c = console.log.bind(console)
let arr_0 = [
[1, 2, 3, 10],
[4, 5, 6, 11],
[7, 8, 9, 11],
[12, 13, 14, 15]
kulicuu /
Last active September 14, 2022 00:50
chariot/trailer for lamborghinis, ferraris etc

Serious but funny product concept:

A trailer for your 700 hp Lamborghini. Titanium frame, ~60-80lbs weight empty. ~500lbs carrying capacity. Very light and minimalist. Design and construction in the pattern of high-end bicycles, like downhill racing bikes. Basically an open-top simple cargo trailer, could carry some personnel chariot style, standing up. So, a nice mountain drive in the style of ancient charioteers. Two men in the trailer, open to the mountain air whistling past 100+ mph.
Or, it could be use to haul camping supplies through the mountains. So then a tiny sports car could be used for grande-turismo, with a few hundred pounds of camping gear in the back. ~300 lbs gross weight for the trailer isn't going to much compromise the car's handling, add in negative camber for trailer wheels for handling.
Single axle obviously. A chariot basically. Can ride standing up. Like out of mountain bike materials and build process. Just a thought.

kulicuu /
Created September 13, 2022 19:44
Portable Computer Product Idea 200

Laptops have dominated the portable computing space, but have some limitations. The hinge mechanics and keyboard design make it intrinsically fragile.
Propose a modular family of systems that separates the screen and peripherals from the main box. Typically you'd use external keyboard, mouse, and an external screen if not an array of them.
Some kind of modular support structure for mounting screens, telescoping titanium frame.

kulicuu / cargo.toml
Last active June 26, 2022 16:39
parsing BulkString in RespValue of Actix-Redis
name = "actix_redis_cli_000"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
bytes = "1.0"
actix = "0.13.0"
kulicuu /
Last active May 21, 2022 23:26
Re-iterating Terebinth enterprise proposal

Terebinth : Custom Computational Simulation

(An Enterprise Proposal, something I've been kicking around awhile, now re-iterating)

About me in this story...

I grew up in the 80s, largely in Michigan, athletic culture, laid back. We got a PC XT with monochrome (amber and black) monitor. I played Falcon. Have been obsessed with simulation since then. Really it's the only thing about computers that really excited me. Contrarywise, I thought and think AI is bullshit and hype, obscuring some genuine utility in the neural nets, viewed as maps of data terrain. Roger Penrose nailed that one, also Noam Chomksy in "Language and Thought" (Anshen Lecture Series) makes similar, and powerful in generality arguments. I was never into the web hypes, other than the utopian library of alexandria type ideas -- I remain committed to that -- I'm talking about the hijacking for corporate commmercial, oligarchical, society-parasitizing/predating interests. Commerce is good of course, and internet has been great for t

kulicuu /
Last active May 21, 2022 22:22
Recent Thoughts on Combined Arms


Some thoughts about returning to thinking about combined-arms warfare

Dug in, dug out, blown away with the wind...

Qu: Why is it "combined"?

kulicuu /
Last active May 24, 2022 18:24
Keystone : The Plumbing Revolution

Keystone : The Plumbing Revolution

(an idea from 2014ish, need to go through some multiple passes with the brainstorming thing)

Keystone: [ call it this or something else? This.]

The Plumbing Revolution

kulicuu /
Last active March 18, 2022 17:23
Rust and Vulkan GPU rendering, vertex-buffer mapping, indexed-drawing, depth-buffering...
// Vulkan Scratch Routine 2400 ----------------- -- -- -- ---- -
use erupt::{
utils::{self, surface},
vk, DeviceLoader, EntryLoader, InstanceLoader,
vk::{Device, MemoryMapFlags},
use cgmath::{Deg, Rad, Matrix4, Point3, Vector3, Vector4};
use std::{
ffi::{c_void, CStr, CString},