May 26, 2020
Terebinth is a company that produces computer-driven simulations.
# credit for the LinkedList implementation, | |
# I just did the recursive remove_duplicates function. | |
c = console.log.bind console | |
LinkedList = -> | |
@head = null | |
LinkedList.prototype.push = (val) -> |
c = console.log.bind console | |
util = require 'util' | |
exec = util.promisify((require 'child_process').exec) | |
chokidar = require 'chokidar' | |
COMMAND_ONE = 'wasm-pack build --target web' |
\documentclass[9pt, a4paper]{extarticle} | |
\usepackage{fontspec} | |
\usepackage{extsizes} | |
\usepackage{hyperref} | |
\usepackage{marginnote} | |
\reversemarginpar | |
\usepackage{csquotes} | |
\usepackage{geometry} | |
\geometry{a4paper, left=3.8cm, top=1cm, right=1.8cm, bottom=1cm, footskip=.5cm, marginparwidth=70pt} |
c = console.log.bind console | |
make_vertex = ({ k, addr, accd_set, remainder }) -> | |
neighbors = {} | |
remainder.reduce (acc, val, idx) -> | |
# c val, idx |
We hear that HGVs are invisible to radar on account of the atmospherically generated plasma shroud, but wouldn't that same shroud reveal extremely precise coordinates to a 1st tier infrared sensor? | |
If EM doppler wasn't enough for ranging, triangulation would be. |
c = console.log.bind console | |
color = require 'bash-color' | |
_ = require 'lodash' | |
fp = require 'lodash/fp' | |
# this one gives the array above the pivot, inclusive of the pivot. | |
upper_rayy_incl = (rayy, pivot) -> | |
[].concat rayy.slice(pivot) |
# Word sort: | |
# I had an interview assessment test which had this requirement but I didn't realise it was permitted to use JS API tools like LocaleCompare or something. I started a word sort function but didn't finish it. This is for that, a basic word/string sorting function. | |
c = console.log.bind console | |
color = require 'bash-color' | |
_ = require 'lodash' | |
fp = require 'lodash/fp' |
to do
What is the future relevance of high-end combined arms warfare, in an epoch where escalation to global thermo-nuclear missile duel is the elephant in every scenario ? It would seem that under such conditions any frontal theatre conflict outcomes are quickly rendered moot. To wit: "What matters the outcome in the Fulda Gap [or 21st century equivalents ] when the home territories of the respective parties are being rendered to smoldering wreckage ?" If indeed high-end CA competitions aren't militarily relevant then it makes no sense to spend precious industrial-technical resources preparing for them; such resources could better be applied to the intercontinental game itself, if not non-military socio-economic investments.
We will attempt to address this question comprehensively and come to some meaningful conclusions. Our method will be scenario-building various full-scale warfare scenarios, including first-strike / suprise scenarios, and analyzing
import React from 'react'; | |
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, Image } from 'react-native'; | |
import _ from 'lodash'; | |
const nextCardHigher = "Next Card Will Be Higher"; | |
const nextCardLower = "Next Card Will Be Lower"; | |
const reqObj = { | |
method: 'GET', |