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Working from home

Martin Kealey kurahaupo

Working from home
  • Brisbane, Australia
  • 19:41 (UTC +10:00)
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kurahaupo / dialog.bash
Last active December 19, 2024 05:36
Implementing "dialog" in pure bash
# (replace the preceding line with the path to Bash on your system)
# Takes the list of items as command-line parameters
# Interacts using stdin+stderr
# Writes the answer to stdout
# Use like:
# result=$( bash dialog.bash Foo Bar Zot Baz ) || exit
# or
kurahaupo /
Last active January 22, 2025 03:21 — forked from XVilka/
True Colour (16 million colours) support in various terminal applications and terminals

Terminal Colors

There exists common confusion about terminal colors. This is what we have right now:

  • Plain ASCII
  • ANSI escape codes: 16 color codes with bold/italic and background
  • 256 color palette: 216 colors + 16 ANSI + 24 gray (colors are 24-bit)
  • 24-bit true color: "888" colors (aka 16 million)
dikf() {
z=$( docker inspect "$k" -f "{{.State.$1}}" )
[[ $z = $2 ]]
read -r k
kurahaupo / gist:7df6c8a50c04e5b80d84f28938b3e258
Last active May 14, 2024 05:12
"checked out" vs "checkouted"

Should one say "Checkouted" or "Checked out"?

At the time of writing (2020), most people would agree that the latter is preferred, and that the former is either "wrong" or at best "dubious".

This will eventually change, and perhaps already has by the time you read this.

Indeed I can be fairly confident about that, much as it pains my own sense of what's "right", because there's an inevitability about regularization.

Looking back 50 years to 1970, nobody then would have even thought of saying "checkouted", much less said it out loud, for the simple reason that it was a two-word phrase, a verb and a preposition: "check out".

write_key() {
mkdir -p "${JENKINS_AGENT_HOME}/.ssh"
echo "$1" > "${JENKINS_AGENT_HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
chown -Rf jenkins:jenkins "${JENKINS_AGENT_HOME}/.ssh"
chmod 0700 -R "${JENKINS_AGENT_HOME}/.ssh"
if [[ $JENKINS_SLAVE_SSH_PUBKEY == ssh-* ]]; then
# number of buckets
declare -i nB=6
# values by key
declare -Ai Vk=(
kurahaupo / mod7.sed
Last active November 19, 2018 11:59
XHow To Write Good
1. Alliterations are awkward; always avoid.
2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
3. A writer needs a cliché like a fish needs a bicycle.
4. Comparisons are as bad as the clichés.
5. Be more-or-less specific.
6. All writers should never generalise.
Seven. Be consistent.
8. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; avoid being verbose, it's excessively superfluous.
9. Who needs rhetorical questions?
kurahaupo / sn_make_path.c
Created June 7, 2018 06:42
demo of string handling
/* This functions takes a path to a directory (C:/blah) and a file name (foobar.txt) then returns the full path of the file (C:/blah/foobar.txt) */
size_t sn_make_path(char *buffer, size_t bsize, const char *dir_path, const char *file_name, char dir_sep) {
size_t dir_len = strlen(dir_path);
size_t file_len = strlen(file_name);
int add_slash = dir_len > 0 && dir_path[dir_len - 1] != dir_sep;
size_t file_path_len = dir_len + file_len + add_slash;
if (bsize > 0) {
#define BUfSIZ*pick a number
, add #includes, and ADD ERROR HANDLING */
int main(){
char b[N]="/tmp/.spongeXXXXXX";
int f=open(t,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL,0);
ssize_t n;