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Go go go

JIANG Guanxian kygx-legend

Go go go
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* linux 2.6.37-3.x.x x86_64, ~100 LOC
* gcc-4.6 -O2 semtex.c && ./a.out
* 2010 [email protected], salut!
* update may 2013:
* seems like centos 2.6.32 backported the perf bug, lol.
* jewgold to 115T6jzGrVMgQ2Nt1Wnua7Ch1EuL9WXT2g if you insist.
unscriptable / tiny Promise.js
Created February 7, 2011 06:02
A minimalist implementation of a javascript promise
// (c) copyright / John Hann
// License MIT
// For more robust promises, see
function Promise () {
this._thens = [];
Promise.prototype = {