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Kyle Hughes kylehughes

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christopherperry / adb+
Created July 30, 2012 16:12
A bash script that let's you issue adb commands to multiple devices at once
# Script adb+
# Usage
# You can run any command adb provides on all your currently connected devices
# ./adb+ <command> is the equivalent of ./adb -s <serial number> <command>
# Examples
# ./adb+ version
# ./adb+ install apidemo.apk
# ./adb+ uninstall
marcoarment / parallelize.c
Last active August 12, 2024 08:09
A simple shell command parallelizer.
/* parallelize: reads commands from stdin and executes them in parallel.
The sole argument is the number of simultaneous processes (optional) to
run. If omitted, the number of logical CPUs available will be used.
Build: gcc -pthread parallelize.c -o parallelize
Demo: (for i in {1..10}; do echo "echo $i ; sleep 5" ; done ) | ./parallelize
By Marco Arment, released into the public domain with no guarantees.
steipete / PSPDFUIKitMainThreadGuard.m
Last active May 27, 2024 12:11
This is a guard that tracks down UIKit access on threads other than main. This snippet is taken from the commercial iOS PDF framework, but relicensed under MIT. Works because a lot of calls internally call setNeedsDisplay or setNeedsLayout. Won't catch everything, but it's very lightweight and usually does the job.You might n…
// Taken from the commercial iOS PDF framework
// Copyright (c) 2014 Peter Steinberger, PSPDFKit GmbH. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under MIT (
// You should only use this in debug builds. It doesn't use private API, but I wouldn't ship it.
// PLEASE DUPE rdar://27192338 ( if you would like to see this in UIKit.
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
isaiah / player
Created June 3, 2013 17:33
An audio player in golang.
package main
import (
yoichitgy /
Last active July 9, 2022 23:59
A script to generate .strings file for .swift, .m, .storyboard and .xib files by genstrings and ibtool commands, and merge them with existing translations.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Incremental localization on XCode projects
# João Moreno 2009
# Modified by Steve Streeting 2010
# Changes
# - Use .strings files encoded as UTF-8
import Foundation
import ReactiveCocoa
//: # Backoff
//: ## Retry with backoff operator
extension SignalProducerType {
func retryWithBackoff<S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == NSTimeInterval>(strategy: S) -> SignalProducer<Value, Error> {
var generator = strategy.generate()
HarshilShah / UIFont+SmallCaps.swift
Last active September 4, 2022 22:06
A UIFont extension to use small caps San Francisco
// UIFont+SmallCaps.swift
// Created by Harshil Shah on 27/04/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Harshil Shah. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
extension UIFont {
steipete /
Last active October 14, 2024 16:35
Using iOS 15 devices with Xcode 12.5 (instead of Xcode 13)
# The trick is to link the DeviceSupport folder from the beta to the stable version.
# sudo needed if you run the Mac App Store version. Always download the dmg instead... you'll thank me later :)
# Support iOS 15 devices (Xcode 13.0) with Xcode 12.5:
sudo ln -s /Applications/ /Applications/
# Then restart Xcode and reconnect your devices. You will need to do that for every beta of future iOS versions
# (A similar approach works for older versions too, just change the version number after DeviceSupport)
andymatuschak /
Last active February 20, 2025 22:22
A composable pattern for pure state machines with effects (draft v3)

A composable pattern for pure state machines with effects

State machines are everywhere in interactive systems, but they're rarely defined clearly and explicitly. Given some big blob of code including implicit state machines, which transitions are possible and under what conditions? What effects take place on what transitions?

There are existing design patterns for state machines, but all the patterns I've seen complect side effects with the structure of the state machine itself. Instances of these patterns are difficult to test without mocking, and they end up with more dependencies. Worse, the classic patterns compose poorly: hierarchical state machines are typically not straightforward extensions. The functional programming world has solutions, but they don't transpose neatly enough to be broadly usable in mainstream languages.

Here I present a composable pattern for pure state machiness with effects,

insidegui /
Created October 4, 2016 23:14 — forked from yoichitgy/
A script to generate .strings file for .swift, .m, .storyboard and .xib files by genstrings and ibtool commands, and merge them with existing translations.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Incremental localization on XCode projects
# João Moreno 2009
# Modified by Steve Streeting 2010
# Changes
# - Use .strings files encoded as UTF-8