著者: | 打田 旭宏 |
ライセンス: | CC-BY 3.0 |
更新日時: | |time| |
Sphinx の LaTeX 出力を利用するときに見栄えを凝るのに知っておくとよいかもしれない小技をまとめました。
*.acn | |
*.acr | |
*.alg | |
*.aux | |
*.bak | |
*.bbl | |
*.bcf | |
*.blg | |
*.brf | |
*.bst |
""" | |
dot directive (require graphviz) | |
""" | |
from docutils import nodes | |
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives, Directive | |
import subprocess as sp | |
nthUnnamed = 0 |
#!/bin/sh | |
ARGS=$@ | |
while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do | |
ARG=$1 | |
# Skip options | |
if [ $ARG == "-arch" ] || [ $ARG == "-o" ]; then | |
# Skip next token | |
shift | |
shift |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Script for installing tmux on systems where you don't have root access. | |
# tmux will be installed in $HOME/local/bin. | |
# It's assumed that wget and a C/C++ compiler are installed. | |
# exit on error | |
set -e | |
""" | |
Module for IPython to display code with TeX representation. | |
This makes for example the following workflow possible: | |
.. sourcecode:: ipython | |
In [1]: %load_ext py2tex | |
In [2]: from math import * |
%\usepackage{luatexja} | |
\setmainfont{TakaoPMincho} | |
\setsansfont{TakaoPGothic} | |
\setmonofont{TakaoGothic} | |
javascript:(function()%7Bfunction%20t(t)%7Bconsole.log(t);t.date.match(e);var%20n=RegExp.$1;var%20r=RegExp.$2;if(r.length%3C=1)r=%220%22+r;var%20i=RegExp.$3;if(i.length%3C=1)i=%220%22+i;var%20s=%22%22+n+%22/%22+r+%22/%22+i;var%20o=%5Bs,t.name,t.author,t.url%5D;return%20o.join(%22%5Ct%22)+%22%5Cn%22%7Dfunction%20n(e)%7Bvar%20t=window.open(%22%22,%22name%22,%22height=250,width=700%22);t.document.write(%22%3Chtml%3E%3Chead%3E%3Ctitle%3EAmazon%20to%20TSV%3C/title%3E%22);t.document.write(%22%3C/head%3E%3Cbody%3E%22);t.document.write(%22%3Cpre%3E%22);t.document.write(e);t.document.write(%22%3C/pre%3E%22);t.document.write(%22%3C/body%3E%3C/html%3E%22);t.document.close();return%20t%7Dfunction%20u(e)%7Bif(typeof%20e!==%22number%22)%7Bvar%20e=0;$(%22%3Cdiv/%3E%22).css(%7Bposition:%22fixed%22,left:0,top:0,width:%22100%25%22,height:%22100%25%22,zIndex:1e3,backgroundColor:%22rgba(0,0,0,.7)%22,color:%22%23fff%22,fontSize:30,textAlign:%22center%22,paddingTop:%2215em%22%7D).attr(%22id%22,%22___overlay%22).text(%22Amazon%E3%8 |
# from https://youtu.be/7bwK9tsdve4 | |
import curses | |
import time | |
screen = curses.initscr() | |
dims = screen.getmaxyx() | |
for z in range(dims[1]-12): | |
screen.clear() | |
screen.addstr(dims[0]/2, z, "Hello World!") | |
screen.refresh() | |
time.sleep(0.05) |