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l15n / screen.rb
Created September 3, 2008 02:43 — forked from kakutani/screen.rb
# Autotest::Screen is test result notify GNU Screen's statusline.
# === screenshots
# * <img src="" />
# * <img src="" />
# require 'autotest/screen'
# # Autotest::Screen.statusline = '%H %`%-w%{=b bw}%n %t%{-}%+w (your statusline)'
# Set YAML output of String values in hashes to be double quoted
# Only modifies hashes that are about to run to_yaml
require 'yaml'
class Hash
def to_yaml_with_quoted_strings(*args)
class << self
unless method_defined?(:each_with_quoted_strings)
def each_with_quoted_strings
each_with_normal_strings do |k,v|
if String === v && !v.frozen?
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ [[ ! -z '' ]]
+ [[ ! -z '' ]]
+ [[ ! -z '' ]]
+ [[ 4 -gt 0 ]]
+ rvm_token=install
+ shift
+ case "$rvm_token" in
+ rvm_action=install
+ [[ -z install ]]
39606 [Feature:trunk] Dir instance methods for relative path
[ruby-dev:39606] Nobu suggests having an instance method on Dir for accessing relative paths, with an implementation in the mvm branch. He came up with this idea after reading Akira TANAKA's article on handling temporary files and symlink attacks ( Example usage:
$ ./ruby -v -e 'p"ext"){|d|"extmk.rb"){|f|f.gets}}'
ruby 1.9.1 (2008-12-25 mvm 20976) [i686-linux]
"#! /usr/local/bin/ruby¥n"
$ mkdir tmp
l15n / gist:361852
Created April 10, 2010 05:47 — forked from wayneeseguin/gist:296055
rails3-beta on mput-heard with rvm gemset
# This example shows how to setup an environment running Rails 3 beta2 under 1.9.2-head (mput) with a 'rails3' gem set.
∴ rvm update --head
# ((Open a new shell)) or do 'rvm reload'
# If you do not already have the ruby interpreter installed, install it:
∴ rvm install mput-head
# Switch to 1.9.2-head and gemset rails3, create if it doesn't exist.
∴ rvm --create use mput-head@rails3
l15n / gist:917120
Created April 13, 2011 07:22
Using iconv/readline from RVM
# In $HOME/.rvm/user/db
ruby_configure_flags=--enable-shared --with-readline-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr --with-iconv-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr
not_found: "は見つかりませんでした"
# not_found: "not found"
already_confirmed: "は既に登録済みです"
# already_confirmed: "was already confirmed"
not_locked: "は凍結されていません"
# not_locked: "was not locked"
l15n / gist:1007841
Created June 4, 2011 11:58
Apple Retail Stores by Country
Country Stores Population Population per Store
USA 236 308 million 1.3 million
UK 29 62 million 2.1 million
Canada 19 34 million 1.7 million
Australia 10 22 million 2.2 million
Japan 7 127 million 18 million
China 4 1,339 million 334 million
France 6 65 million 10.8 million
Germany 5 81 million 16 million
Italy 4 60 million 15 million
l15n / enumetric.rb
Created June 28, 2012 02:29
Roughly estimate usage of Enumerable methods
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# enumetric.rb
# Rough estimate of usage/non-usage of Enumerable methods
TRIVIAL_METHODS = [:first, :count, :to_a]
def count_usage(method, dir = '.')
method_delimiter = '[\s\.\{\(=]'
l15n /
Created July 13, 2012 08:47 — forked from jasonrudolph/
List remote Git branches and the last commit's author and author date for each branch. Sort by most recent commit's author date.
# Credit
for branch in `git branch -r | grep -v HEAD`;do echo -e `git show --format="%ai %ar by %an" $branch | head -n 1` \\t$branch; done | sort -r