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@lamp lamp

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a) Always have a primary presentation that represents the entire embeddable journey (our current semantic)
b) User journey - point in time - observer pattern lifecycle
- separate service for comet etc - scales properly
c) Preview image -> test card -> stream -> other states -> VOD
-- need to check for bifurcation
- presentation_id
- interrupted
- interruption_id
- current_core_event_uuid
ScheduleEvent - this is all about assigning a UUID to each change of state
- schedule_id (note ~ 10 events per schedule is the scaling norm)
# This is a sample database file for the DataMapper ORM
development: &defaults
# These are the settings for repository :default
host: localhost
port: 5555
api_version: 1
consumer_key: test_consumer_key
consumer_secret: test_consumer_secret
<a href="/presentations/new">New presentation!!!1</a>
// --------------------------------------------
// in application.js
// --------------------------------------------
function anchorizeLinks() {
Assets V2
Async assets
* Assets can be created without a synchronous file post
Overall design:
1. Gather a 'master list' of application dependencies via the Jamfile. A Jamfile provides mapping between a dependency name and a client-side dependency file (JS or CSS), with the following metadata:
a version number (optional - multiple versions of a file e.g. multiple jquery versions can be registered with the same dependency name
a path (optional - Jambler will attempt to resolve this using a default naming and path convention if not defined)
a source url (optional - Jambler can attempt to download libraries in-place during jambling)
a browser condition, allowing you to nest dependencies in icky IE conditional comments
<!DOCTYPE html>
Rendered against a get request to /campaigns/new
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/bookmark.png" type="image/png">
Merb::ControllerExceptions::BadRequest in 'Presentations batches of presentations should create one presentation'
No routes match the request. Request uri: /Presentations.json
/Users/matthew/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/merb-core-1.1.3/lib/merb-core/test/helpers/mock_request_helper.rb:398:in `check_request_for_route'
/Users/matthew/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/merb-core-1.1.3/lib/merb-core/test/helpers/mock_request_helper.rb:338:in `mock_request'
/Users/matthew/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/merb-core-1.1.3/lib/merb-core/test/helpers/mock_request_helper.rb:264:in `post'
./spec/requests/../helpers/spec_helper.rb:45:in `post_authenticated'
Parent = function(){};
Parent.prototype = {
parentMethod : function(){ alert('Parent') }
Child = function(){}
Child.prototype.__proto__ = Parent.prototype;
Child.prototype.__super = Parent
c = new Child();
merb : worker (port 5555) ~ In repository block default
merb : worker (port 5555) ~ Started request handling: Mon Aug 16 13:38:54 +0100 2010
merb : worker (port 5555) ~ Routed to: {"oauth_nonce"=>"224", "format"=>nil, "action"=>"index", "campaign"=>{"order"=>"updated_at.desc", ""=>"%Hello%", "page"=>"1", "limit"=>"15", "insert_domain"=>"com.videojuicer.asset"}, "oauth_signature_method"=>"HMAC-SHA1", "oauth_timestamp"=>"1281962334", "seed_name"=>"development", "user_id"=>"1", "controller"=>"campaigns", "oauth_consumer_key"=>"test_consumer_key", "oauth_token"=>"vQohJr3cUlxVSSj8Fc6ScdlR6EOKQy", "oauth_signature"=>"z7vvWc/xKn6TmtDtR6HKMhWIDSY=", "api_version"=>"1"}
merb : worker (port 5555) ~ Params: {"oauth_nonce"=>"224", "format"=>nil, "action"=>"index", "campaign"=>{"order"=>"updated_at.desc", ""=>"%Hello%", "page"=>"1", "limit"=>"15", "insert_domain"=>"com.videojuicer.asset"}, "oauth_signature_method"=>"HMAC-SHA1", "oauth_timestamp"=>"1281962334", "seed_name"=>"development", "user_id"=>"1",