$ sudo pacman -S tor $ ## nyx provides a terminal status monitor for bandwidth usage, connection details and more.
$ sudo pacman -S nyx
$ sudo pacman -S tor
$ ## nyx provides a terminal status monitor for bandwidth usage, connection details and more.
$ sudo pacman -S nyx
GOCMD=go | |
GOTEST=$(GOCMD) test | |
GOVET=$(GOCMD) vet | |
BINARY_NAME=example | |
VERSION?=0.0.0 | |
SERVICE_PORT?=3000 | |
DOCKER_REGISTRY?= #if set it should finished by / | |
EXPORT_RESULT?=false # for CI please set EXPORT_RESULT to true | |
GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2) |
to_expr(x) = x | |
to_expr(t::Tuple) = Expr(to_expr.(t)...) # Recursive to_expr implementation courtesy of Mason Protter | |
lisparse(x) = to_expr(eval(Meta.parse(x))) # Note that the `eval` in here means that any normal (non-s-expression) Julia syntax gets treated a bit like a preprocessor macro: evaluated _before_ the s-expression syntax is compiled and evaluated | |
function lispmode() | |
# READ | |
printstyled("\nlisp> ", color=:magenta, bold=true) | |
l = readline() | |
while l !== "(:exit)" | |
try # So we don't get thrown out of the mode | |
# EVAL |